Author Topic: Last minute decision - Katarynza Ostrowski Clark  (Read 2860 times)

Offline JimBob333

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After lurking in this site and thinking about surgery for almost two years now. I called Dr Clark on Wednesday, and she had availability on Friday (today). So in a last minute whirlwind of activity, I booked a flight to berlin the next day, and this morn I had my ultra sound and blood tests. All going well I'll have the op after 5 today.

Offline JimBob333

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Well, I'm at the hotel, waiting to be collected an hour from now, and I'm as nervous as I am bored. This time two or three hours, I'll hopefully be out the other side!

I just spent 20 mins typing a big post, and the fuc*+n internet dropped and I lost it!! AAAAGGHHH now I gotta start again! Ah well, it'll keep my mind off the surgery!

I wanted to say that I've been lurking around this site for a couple of years, but haven't gotten it together to just go and get it done until now. At this stage I just want it to be over and done.

I have found this site to be a great source of support and inspiration, just to know there's other people goin through the same thing, and to hear stories and see pics of people who've gone and gotten it sorted.

Any way, with that thought in mind, I'll share a little of my experience as it happens.....

So I'm a 40 year old Irishman, and I've had this Gyno for years now, but it's only in the last couple of years that it's really started to bother me. I've gotten a little bigger, and it's now noticeable even with my shirt on. Before it was only really noticeable when I had my shirt off, and in Ireland, ya don't get that many days with sunny weather, so it wasn't a massive problem.

Anyway, I'll have plenty of down time over the next few days after the op, so I'll stick a few more rambling posts up here, and maybe some pics if I can figure out how.

Wish me luck!

Offline JimBob333

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Just post surgery! Can't wait to see the resulty!!!!

Offline ABgyno

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Hope it went well mate.

I'm 3.5 weeks post.

The results look unreal the day you first see it but then the swelling starts so don't get disheartened. Now mine is about 80% of the way back to how it was that first day.

Order your Macom vest now so it's waiting for you when you get home and WEAR IT RELIGIOUSLY.

Good luck, it's a tough auld recovery...

Offline JimBob333

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Thanks man.

Guess I'll get an idea tomorrow how it went. What are the pain levels like over the period from the op till 3.5 weeks?

What's a Macom vest? Is that a brand? Don't the surgeon give ya a vest?

U got pics on here? Was urs bad?

Offline ABgyno

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Nah there's not much pain whatsover. I think I stopped taking painkillers after a few days, can't remember tbh.

Yes Dr Clark gives you a vest but it is both uncomortable and quite annoying. It's fine for when you're in Poland but you should get a proper one for when you get home.

Macom is a brand, google them. It's about 70 quid for the vest. Also google Macom discount code, I got about 15% off because I found a code on some boob job forum.

Mine was not bad before but I was still always aware of it. I remember the photo Dr Clark showed me. Think I had about 5x5cm on each side. I'll try get some before/after pics up in the next few days but very busy with new country and job so bear with me.

Good luck with recovery, you won't regret getting it done.

Offline LR_12

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hey How are you 1 month post op?


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