As for the gland, some has to stay or there will be a crater! As for caring about how it looks, that is mind over matter! I know that it is easier said then done, but anything is possible if you set your mind to it! And why should you care what others think, as they aren't perfect in any way, shape or form either!
It is my personal belief that the only one who was ever perfect gave his life on the cross so that we could be saved!
Well, I don't like that some of the gland has to stay there. From my understanding they CAN take all of the gland out and they put a little something there in place (can't remember what) so that it is not concave, but it is not gland so it cannot regrow.
Your last sentence....sometimes I will read the bible or something and think 'how am I worrying so much about this when there are so many bigger problems out there', hell I have ulcerative colitis which most would view as 100x worse, but it's just the mental trauma gyno brings that gets to me so much.
Yes, very slight gyne -- but it appears enough to bother you. Surgery to fix this is tricky -- it is not as simple as it might appear. You can see examples of this on the photo gallery of my website (see below in my signature). Specifically look at patients # 175 and 182.
Your choice is to live with it (perhaps with a snug compression shirt) or to consider surgical correction. If the latter, make sure you consult with an experienced gyne surgeon.
Good luck!'
Dr Jacobs
Well, I really don't like the idea of always wearing a compression shirt. The problem I have with that is that it is not acceptance of anything, but rather a constant hiding from the situation. I have to either somehow learn to not care about it (like in the past) or get surgery, but hiding it away for the rest of my life is not an option.
What you show in #175 and 182 are essentially what I'm looking for. What makes it tricky compared to other gyno surgeries? Is it because the nipples are puffy even though there isn't much gland? Because that is definitely my problem. When contracted they look great and there really isn't that much gland to grab, even when not contracted, but the degree to which the gland puffs out and the nipples stick out when at it's worst is really annoying.
I think you look good, I would never think a thing if I saw you at the pool - other than you look overall in shape.
You can always wait and do it later. If you put on weight as you get to middle age - you could tackle it then if you wish.
I really don't want to just put it off until I'm older though. One reason is that when I'm older I'll probably care less as I will presumably be married, less social (currently in school), etc.
I don't see why waiting until middle age would be at all advisable. It seems every person who has done this wishes it was done earlier. Also as mentioned I am into bodybuilding so I'm not just going to all of a sudden become overweight when I'm older.
The whole acceptance thing is very hard because of that. If I was into tennis or video games or whatever it wouldn't matter. I might be aware of it but it wouldn't affect anything so who cares. I would probably forget about it most of the time. But in bodybuilding it is talked about all of the time, and often used as proof someone has used steroids (mine is from puberty obviously), etc so as long as I'm in the bodybuilding community (which will be a long time) it will always be there on my mind and all I see
![Sad :(](
I would like to eventually get the surgery but as mentioned I'm not even sure if that will be a true fix. So many revision stories on here are freaking me out, not to mention it seems puffy nipples are less guaranteed to be fixed than the gland removal.