Author Topic: Countdown begins  (Read 6033 times)

Offline Tintin

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I have just booked my op with Mr Levick for the 15 of September. I saw him a couple of weeks ago and after a couple of days pondering it have decided to go for it.  

Just making that decision has been a huge turning point as it has also meant speaking to my family about it  - the first time in 25 years. They have all been extremely supportive and were quiet shocked when I told them what I had been hiding since I was 12.

They have wondered why I never go shirtless and why I did not stand tall and proud. I also mastered that rather hunched and round-shouldered posture that I am sure a lot of you are familiar with.

The consultation was rather nerve wracking…until I actually met Mr. Levick and he put me straight at ease - In his words, I will never win any Gyncemastia pageants but he can certainly sort me out.

Just talking about it has made me a lot happier and I am looking forward to getting rid of it and starting to sort out my posture and my confidence.

Offline webster

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Go 4 it!

I am about 2.5 months post-op with Mr Levick. The whole thing has certainly improved my life. I'm starting to feel proud of my body, lost alot of weight, getting fitter, been swimming many times with my kids (NEVER done that before). The burden of gynecomastia is well worth £3622 to be rid of!

I'm not 100% happy with the way my chest is now (but at least 90% happy) but it does take time to settle down & things are certainly improving as the days go by.

You'll find the whole operation is the same relaxed affair as the initial consultation. The worst bits IMO are nerves a few days before the op and peeling the sticky bandages off 7 days after the op.

A cinch really. Good luck. Webster.

Offline ms1972

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Good Luck Tintin!!!!

I hope all goes well for you. I'm inclined to agree with webster about the worst bits. You know, to be able to take my kids swimming was one of the main reasons I went for it and had the chop. Like you guys I never went topless on the beach or took my top off in public, but the weight that's been lifted from my shoulders since the Op only one week ago is hard to put into words. I'm really looking forward to next summer, for the FIRST time I can remember.

I'm sure you'll find the whole experience a ball mate.


Offline Tintin

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Thanks guys, I think the nerves are already starting to build, but I am sure it will all go to plan. Good advice on the shaving ms, I will certainly get the Mach 3 out.
i am finding this all very liberating and already feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, hopefullt that feeling will continue to grow way after the op.

Offline irish_dude

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i am finding this all very liberating and already feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, hopefullt that feeling will continue to grow way after the op.

Yup, been there, bought the big black baggy tee-shirt, etc.

I could have written your initial post a month ago, word for word. I've had gyne for the past 25 years myself, always stooped around, wore dark baggy clothes, would have loved to swam, etc etc etc.

And like you I found that admitting my problem to a third-party the biggest hurdle of all. I remember the strange feeling of surreality I had flying over to see Mr.Levick 6 weeks ago.

I had the op with him last Friday and all has gone well.

You will get nervous about the whole thing, but just keep your resolve strong.

Once you commit to treatment, don't back down.

Just weight the feeling of nervousness against the mysery of having another 25+ years of gyne. That mental exercise helped me a lot and made me almost sprint into the operating theatre last Friday.

I would advise you to have at least your better half, or a close family member there on the day of the op though.

Offline London_boy

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I would advise you to have at least your better half, or a close family member there on the day of the op though.

I'll second that, I had my girlfriend and my parents there on the day which did make my room slightly crowded but I couldn't have done it by myself !

Offline Tintin

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Thanks irish_dude and London_boy,
My whole family wants to be there, which is nice - and funnily enough the total opposite of what I wanted two weekes ago.

I was preparing to not tell anyone the real reason and say that I had to have shoulder surgery or something like that.

I really was not at that place to tell anyone about it, and the thought of sharing my problem with my family filled me with dread.

After all, I had spent most of my life hiding it and to suddenly stick it out in the open (so to speak) was just not going to happen.

However since I decided to do something about it, it seems that my attitude has changed. I would urge everyone to speak to someone about it, you will be amazed at the support you get.

Offline Pferdestärken

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I can only echo what has already been said by Webster, London_Boy, Irish_Dude and ms1972.

The first visit to the Priory is really the start of a wonderful journey, and the euphoria afterwards - "its finally going to get sorted!" - should see you through to the op.

Definately shave down, unless you get your kicks waxing or pulling nasal hair - in which case boy are you in for a ride!  ;D

I went swimming for the first time in years at the weekend, and for the first time in my life didn't feel at all self conscious. Off to Florida in two days, and I expect to be getting a good all over tan for a change!

Good luck, you are in safe hands with Paul Levick, enjoy the experience as best you can, and see you on the other side gyne free!
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline irish_dude

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Thanks irish_dude and London_boy,
My whole family wants to be there, which is nice - and funnily enough the total opposite of what I wanted two weekes ago.

I was preparing to not tell anyone the real reason and say that I had to have shoulder surgery or something like that.
Same here, I was inventing lots of strange ailments that I was 'disappearing' off to get treated.

Once I let the genie out of the bottle with the first consultation, so to speak, then I found that honesty was the best policy with close friends and family.

Offline Tintin

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Thanks for the support Pferdestärken. Have a good holiday mate.  

Offline ms1972

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Have a good Holiday ya beach bum!!!!

Whoa, I bet you're looking forward to getting em out aren't you? I went to Portugal a couple of years ago and the poor missus and young  daughter, all very understanding had to sit in a quiet corner of the beach with me where no bugger could see me because I was so embarassed.  :'(

Won't be long now Tintin. My missus came with me to the Priory bless her, it's nice to have someone there with you. She stayed in my room, they have an option where you can have a camp bed (really it's a large foldup) set up in your room at the priory, and whoever is stopping with you will get all their meals also with you from the same menu, which is nice.

It costs an extra 50 quid, but they send you a bill afterwards through the post, you can just let them know before hand which is probably better, or just ask on the day.

BUT, the nurses are excellent and don't mind helping no matter what if anyones reading that plans to go on their own. Nothing is too much trouble.

Offline irish_dude

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It costs an extra 50 quid

...which is certainly a lot cheaper than letting her stay at the nearby Hyatt where she can run up the bill getting Aromatherapy and room service *cough*

I didn't mind, she had my blessing to burn some plastic, I was feeling vunerable!

The last time I swam when thirty years ago when I was five. I wonder if I still remember?

Offline Tintin

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Got my brother and my folks coming to be with me which will be nice. Funnily enough it was my brother who I told in the first place. he wanted to know why I always wear a shirt and never take it off when the sun is shining or when I was having a kickabout in the park.
he was shocked an didn't believe me..had to show him which was embarrasing.
I tell you what though, the time is not going fast enough!

Offline London_boy

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Just think, in 3 short weeks you'll be in the same positon as me, irish_dude and ms1972 and we can all compare notes !!

Offline bedders

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I'm so glad I finally told my mum about it. Being a poor student there was no way I could even think about being able to afford the Op. Told my mum today and she suggested (without hint from me!) that she pay for surgery......... RESULT ;D



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