Author Topic: 3 week post-op, what do you guys think?  (Read 1825 times)

Offline jimbob90

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As it still won't let me post images on here, here's the link with a few pics from pre-op and post-op.

What do you guys think? Can I expect more shrinking of the skin? The left chest area is 95% healed but is more puffy tot he feel whereas the right has no puffiness at all but has lots of 'lumps' meaning its still healing I guess.


Offline Poobs

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You're not anywhere near healed after three weeks. Not even close.

From the looks of things you either have a lot of fluid accumulated or not enough tissue and fat has been removed because that seems like a lot of scar tissue for three weeks.

Try to just put it out of your mind for a couple of months and see what happens.


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