My one grandson once said, "oh ya, your the Paw-Paa with the big belly" because I'm bigger everywhere then his mothers dad. They don't see us much because We live in Minnesota and they live in Wyoming so when we get togetter we don't hid anything either because if we go there it is very small home and you can't go anywhere to hid.
I've never hid myself from anyone in my family, kids or grand kids. We were deer hunting last November, staying at my daughters farm. My brother and best friend hunted with me, I hid nothing. In the VA hospital December 9-10 for surgery in a 4 man room and I hid nothing, nothing was ever said accept by me! I made a little joke about my big DD"s when I told the nurses not to get jealous about being so much smaller! We all had a good laugh. 2 marines 2 navy vets.
Don't underestimate your families understanding, or others, for that matter, my family and friends are great support!