Author Topic: Fat or gyno? Please help!!  (Read 6637 times)

Offline mohit2889

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Hi Guys

All my childhood I have been a fat boy. Most of the fat content was concentrated around my chest and stomach area. Before going to college I weighed around 90Kgs. I motivated myself to lose some weight and I actually did. I came down to 63Kgs. Even then there was still a good amount of fat/skin around my chest and stomach area. It was never like I could go shirtless and feel confident about it.
Now after finishing college I started working , and I again gained some fat again mostly around my chest and Stomach area. Now I have again started losing weight and have come around to 68Kgs.(Lost around 10 kgs)

But there has been one thing that is still bothering me is my chest and stomach area. Even when i got down to 63 my chest looked pretty saggy and pathetic. It still does. After reading quite a few posts and blogs about gyno and fat I started fearing if I have gyno too. I am posting few of my pics for you to guys advise as to what it exactly is. How should I go about getting rid of the fat. I really feel embarrassed to take my shirt off.
I do cardio and weight training 4 days a week.

Really looking forward to the replies.

Thanks in Anticipation

PS: I am really sorry about the hair. I didn't chose em.


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Anytime a male has breast enlargement it is GYNECOMASTIA ! It does not mater if it I is mostly fat or breast tissue. Everyone, including males are born with breast  tissues, what will be different is the type of surgery that will be needed to reduce the breast if there is more breast tissue then fat.

Facts are that the breast on males with gynecomastia are really no different then a female breast!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Grandpa Dan

Offline nick04

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Hi Mohit,

Yes, it does look like gynecomastia. Unfortunately, no amount of exercise (cardio or weight training) or diet can help you get rid of this chest fat (moobs).   

Offline mohit2889

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@Hammer,Paa_Paw and nick04

Thanks for replying. You are saying that any male breast enlargement whether due to excessive fat or breast tissues is a case of gyno.

Is there a way to get rid of this with exercise or diet. Because surgery would be like a little too extreme for me. I can hit hard in the gym but I am afraid I can't go under the knife.

Offline nick04

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Mohit, I can completely understand this but I don't want to give you false hope. The belly and chest fat are usually the last places to go. You can improve the appearance of your chest by losing fat percentage but you can't get rid of gynecomastia completely without surgery. I did different types of chest exercises, cardiovascular activities but all in vain. I suffered from this problem for about 9 years because I didn't have enough money to pay for the gyno surgery. Finally I had the gynecomastia surgery a few months ago (at the age of 25) and now I'm pretty much (not completely :D) satisfied with my chest.  It's completely true, that good things good things come to those who wait :)

It's a personal choice whether you want to go for the plastic surgery or not but yeah keep working out and stay fit.

P.S. – I'm also from India. :)              


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@Hammer,Paa_Paw and nick04

Thanks for replying. You are saying that any male breast enlargement whether due to excessive fat or breast tissues is a case of gyno.

Is there a way to get rid of this with exercise or diet. Because surgery would be like a little too extreme for me. I can hit hard in the gym but I am afraid I can't go under the knife.

Just a note on surgery. I've been through several from having both knees replaced with prosthetic knees and I was awake for both of them and talking, to two back surgeries one lasting 9 hours asleep for them, as well as a bunch of minor surgeries.

You are in a very controlled environment while having surgery, yes there are risk, such as infections, but there are risks outside the surgery room, like getting hit by a car crossing the street, falling down stairs, off a latter, tripping over something and cracking your head open, and I could go on!

So all you have to fear, is fear it self! I've never had gyne surgery, as I'm to busy getting other surgeries to improve my ability to walk or improve quality of life, but I wouldn't fear gyne surgery, but to remove DDs and make the chest look right would be a big and expensive job.

Offline JonesCrow

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I thinks you seem like you are at a proper weight. Try losing 10 lbs and see if they disappear. Gynecomastia is the formation of female like breasts on the male.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You are overweight.  That is not intended as a slur, I am too.

If you want to have surgery, you should get to a good weight first. Your weight loss will shrink your breasts a bit perhaps but not really enough to please you I am sure.  In other words, and as simply as I can say it, The surgeon can do his best work if you present yourself to him in the best condition possible.

The alternative is simple enough, I grew up long before effective surgery to reduce the size of a man's breasts reliably so I still have mine at the age of 77. Lots of men, even today, simply ignore the condition. The choice is yours. There is no right or wrong, but one answer is better for you.

Offline johndean

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well, I suggest gastric sleeve in Las Vegas if u decide to make a decision..


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