Author Topic: Just had surgery  (Read 2546 times)

Offline ChrisLK

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I'm a 185lb fit male, crossfit  5x per week and have dealt with a very mild case of gyno for about  10yrs. Mine was definitely due to improper use of pro hormones long ago. Ahh the stupid things we do in early 20's.

I'm 35 now and my case is very mild, mainly a ping pong ball sized dense mass behind each nipple. Looks fine when erect but puffy when warm. I am SO SICK of suffering through hot weather with multiple layers to conceal it summer after summer, never ever wearing a single tshirt. It has been misery. I can never show off the crossfit body that I want to and finally had the savings to do something.

I researched and found a well rated doc, and has my glandular masses excised yesterday. Didn't take anything during, only had local anesthesia. Took about 3hrs and he pulled about 75% ping pong ball side from each side with an electric cauterizing knife. Less than I was expecting but he insisted on leaving some for structure.

Now I'm sutured up well, have dressings on and a compression garment. No swelling or bruising yet. I am only taking Tylenol pm at night, and nothing during the day because I want to know its there and not become complacent in my activity and aggravate it.

SO questions... There seems to be a LOT of variability in recovery stories, obviously due to the variability of different bodies and severities.

With my very mild case (no extra skin, no drainage tubes needed, etc), what should my recovery look like? I'm very eager to return to mild workouts. No heavy lifting (I rarely do anyway), just back to the ab workouts, squats, and light bar work.

How long for the compression vest? Doc said 2 wks full time and then 2wks night only. What physical signs should I look for? Or feelings? Is it possible for me to have a faster than normal recovery? I obviously won't risk long term issues by rushing, just trying to gauge the optimistic prognosis.

Thanks. Cannot wait to see my results!!

Offline ChrisLK

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3 days post op, feeling great. I only took Tylenol PM the first two nights and didn't need it night 3. I've taken no meds through the day because I really want to remember its there with a little pain, so I don't do anything silly. Honestly I feel like it is healing very well. Minimal swelling, enough to know its there when I take the vest off because I feel the weight pulling down on each side, but it looks really good! I don't know how much the vest contributes to the contour right after taking it off, but if that's what I can expect it to stay like then I'm a happy camper.

I'm waiting the full week for the clear sticky dressings to come off because I really want to clean the little bit of blood that came out and is just stuck in there. Hopefully that won't do any harm if it's left there a few more days?

Offline N8712

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Welcome to the roller coaster ride! Sounds like it's going well for you.

All surgeons differ with their approach so it might be wise for you to contact your surgeon or his/her team and request answers to your specific questions.

In my situation however, I was able to take off the dressings 24 hours after surgery and I had a shower. I then placed new band-aids over the incision sites. My surgeon (Alex Karidis) did not suture my incisions though.

As for getting back in the gym wait at LEAST two weeks. You don't want to risk damaging the healing process just to get back in the gym a week earlier. I started again 3 weeks post op and did lower weight and more reps. I would refrain from doing squats for at least a month.

As for the compression vest, your surgeons advice is the same as mine was. Two weeks 24/7 then two weeks at night.

Good luck.
My views are my own and any advice I give is from my personal experience with gynecomastia and the surgery I had.

Offline ChrisLK

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Now coming up on a month post-op. Feel great, still doing the compression vest 24/7 since my doc said to just keep it on for 6wks total. Feels a lot looser now, likely a combo of it stretching out, me losing some upper body muscle, and maybe me just being used to it now. I'd swear I'm barely getting much compression out of it, but I guess even a little bit constantly is necessary.

The swelling definitely kicks on at around week 2-3, with the hard swollen tissue being palpable under the cut. My profile looks great but I still wonder if the doc excised enough gland. He didn't pull out as much as I was expecting. I'm just hoping the puffy nips don't come back later. Haven't seen them at all, but I think the nipples stay pretty erect 24/7 after surgery for a while, probably due to scar tissue under... Not sure but they hadn't been puffy when I've had the vest off for showers at all.

Still haven't worked out. There really isn't any pain but I think any impact will hurt things so I'm just not risking it since crossfit can be rough with chest impacts (cleans, burpees, chest to bar, etc)

Next doc visit is in 2wks and the vest should come off and I should hopefully be clear for some gym. Scars look amazing, I've been using the BioCorneum twice a day as directed (silicone based stuff) and they have faded nicely.

One tip for you guys that you may need to take control of when the time comes.... My doc pulled off the very sticky dressing at 1wk post op, he did it too fast. It pulled the end suture up on each side which prolonged the cut from healing for another 10 days... Don't let them do that. Better for you to peel off that dressing gently by yourself.

Cannot wait to get this vest off, get back to the gym and see this hard swelling dissipate!

Offline ChrisLK

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1 month post op should I be massaging this thing? Feels like the major swelling is very reduced but feels like I have a crayon under skin where the incisions are.

Offline jay adams

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As far as messaging goes you should follow the directions you were given from your doc. I was massaging lightly at four weeks. That crayon thing "ha" I have that too. It's just scar on the incision line. It doesn't protrude so I ignored it. Girls can feel it though and that kinda sucks.

Offline karikat123

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Hey chris,

I'm in the same boat as you. I've been in a crossfit gym for a few years but can't seem to shake the mild gynecomastia that I have. I'm 6'3", weigh about 85kg. I've added some muscle but could never get rid of the man boobs. I'm constantly wearing compression vests and i'm sick of it. I've taken out a loan to get this sorted once and for all. Would you have any photos pre-op?


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