Author Topic: Hey whats up everyone  I need your advice!  (Read 1818 times)

Offline Armanix82

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I just joined because I wanted to know what kind of doctor I should see first about my gyno.  I've only had this problem for about 5 months and it's because I was taking prohormones!  Methy-1-test.  Anyways I started to develop the puffy nipples, if I wear an wifebeeter t-shirt underneath my shirts u can't tell, and my chest is big but it's not firm like it used to be.  I heard that Winni which is a steroid that shreds body fat can get rid of it, and I could just take anti-aromatase pills with it.  I do cardio and workout all the time, but nothing is happening.  Should I try that Andractim stuff? OR the steroids?  Is there anything that a doctor can do for me since I have only had the problem for a little while?  I am also only 22 yrs old and I have never been fat and the rest of my body is in good shape.  What do I do guys??

Offline Paa_Paw

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Any Doctor is better than no Doctor.

Start with the Recular Family Doc.  You may need to see an Endocrinologist before you are done.

You need to be completely honest about the chemicals you have been using.  An accurate and complete Medical History is the most important part of the diagnosis.

Leave the chemistry set alone!  Some people can get away with using that stuff,  But obviously you are not one of them. The proof of that is on your chest.

Fortunately, when the cause is quickly removed, Some drug induced Gynecomastia will slowly resolve on its own.  
Grandpa Dan


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