Author Topic: UK Vest Questions  (Read 2511 times)

Offline AchillesUK

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Ok, I have 5 days left till surgery with Mr Levick, and getting a bit into panic mode re the vest.I had a couple of questions..

1) Where is the best place to order from for the vest (640) that Mr Levick recommends? The flyer they gave gives a website (veronique..) that seems American. I'm worried about both unnecessary shipment costs and the time it will take to get here.

2) Measurement of the chest - it says to measure at the fullest part of the chest. But obviously the vest is going to be put on after the gynae reduction. So do I deduct a few of centimetres from my current measurement? Sorry if this is a silly question.

3) Also, I've noticed some people have used alternative vests other than the ones recommended. Did any of you check with Mr Levick and was he ok with these?

Thanks for any help for any of the questions.

Offline ian89

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It's getting close...

I got mine from

It only takes a couple of days for them to come so what i did was wait till after the op and then measure while your tightly compressed in the after surgery garment and then order according to your new size. Don't guess as you don't want to have to send them back and wait if you order to small/big, cause you'll want to be out of the surgery garment ASAP!

The surgery binder is macom, so the vests made by the same company were fine, though i didn't check but compressed is compressed.


Offline AchillesUK

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It's getting close...

I got mine from

It only takes a couple of days for them to come so what i did was wait till after the op and then measure while your tightly compressed in the after surgery garment and then order according to your new size. Don't guess as you don't want to have to send them back and wait if you order to small/big, cause you'll want to be out of the surgery garment ASAP!

The surgery binder is macom, so the vests made by the same company were fine, though i didn't check but compressed is compressed.


It is getting close indeed! Having nightmares of not waking up from surgery haha

Thanks for your advice, and it definitely makes sense. I was under the impression that most people ordered the vest presurgery for some reason but post surgery makes much more sense.

I just hope I'm not in too much pain post surgery and can measure myself, as I've not told anyone about this surgery.

Offline Donut

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I got mine from macom too post-surgery... They came next day.  Would advise getting full-length ones so they don't ride up or create a visible line around your middle under t-shirt etc.  from experience I wish I'd have got the ones with arms in too as had a lot of problems (as others have) with swelling bulging out of the top of the vest/underarm area which is aggrevated then by the vest shoulder straps digging in to it making it worse. I solved this by wearing a compression t-shirt under the vest, others have followed that advise and worked for them well too. But doing it again I'd just by the long compression tops with sleeves, as they help compress that whole top of chest/underarm area then too.

Good luck!

Offline paul786

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I got mine from the place Levick recommended it arrived next day its uk based

the postage is about £7 BUT thats special delivery.

I actually wouldn't worry about it you have to wear the binder for a week so you have a week pos-op to get it


Offline AchillesUK

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Thanks for the replies guys.

I got one of the nurses to measure me post-op (without the binder) and the largest part of my chest came to 41.5 inches.

This gives me a bit of a problem considering I fall right in between the following two:

Medium: 38-41"
Large: 42-45"

Any suggestions as to which one I should go for?


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