Hi All,
This is my first post here and I thought Id share my journey and also maybe ask for a little help or guidance.
I am male, 37, average weight, and fairly fit. I have had gynecomastia under my right nipple for a very long time. Years ago it was visually unnoticeable and would only be apparent if someone bumped my chest, at which point it would be incredibly painful. If I felt the area I could detect a small painful pea sized lump.
Over the years my right breast has grown slowly, and there now feels like there are multiple painful lumps. My nipple also looks bigger in circumference due it to it being stretched by the enlarged breast. Ive always coped with it (despite numerous fruitless doctors appointments over the years), the fact that I have a hairy chest also hides it to a reasonable extent. Sometimes I don't feel pain unless I touch it, other times it aches and even hurts with the vibrations of walking.
About a year ago I decided that enough was enough and I wanted to get rid of it once and for all so I started visiting the breast clinic at my local NHS Hospital. I must have eventually gone to about 5-6 appointments over the course of months (all of which I had to take during work time and then work the hours back). Eventually they said there was no other option other than to put me forward for surgery.
Time passed and as you can imagine it was denied as they classed it as cosmetic!? I advised them that I am more concerned about the pain than the way it looks and so I appealed to the NHS Trust. It was again denied. I went back to the Consultant who didn't seem to have anything else to suggest to me, so after all that time and effort, I have gotten nowhere.
I have Bupa healthcare cover with work, but they say that they do not cover this condition in any way with the type of cover that I have. SO, as far as I can see Im left with he option of going private, something that I cannot afford.
What I don't understand is that I am telling people I am in pain and it does not seem to register. I just am told in robot fashion that it is classed as cosmetic. My job is physical and involves a lot of driving and so I always suffer from the pain. Im at a loss on how Im supposed to proceed? I thought that here in the UK, if you were in pain, they are supposed to treat you?