Author Topic: New  (Read 1218 times)

Offline Evergreenkid

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Hello. I'm new to this website and have been reading on all these stories and it's been interesting. I weigh 175 im 5'8 and have slight Gyno in both my nipples from puberty. As we know life can be a living hell day by day with this curse. But I'm having surgery December 9. I'm a little scared that it will grow back but hopefully not. I was an advid weed smoker the past 3 years but I stopped smoking recently getting ready for the surgery. i use to smoke because I was depressed with having gyno and the self esteem issues that come with it.  I just wanted to know if there are any pot smokers that have stoped recently and had great surgery and an aftermath. I Also would like to know  if anyone can share simalar experiences to my story. Also how long did it take you to have excellent results after swelling? P.s. For those who really want to get rid of gyno get a job and save up because it only took me 7months to do so and If I can do It anyone can.

Offline Dr. Cruise

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Hello Evergreenkid,
I felt compelled to answer your post because it is one that requires the experience of seeing and treating thousands of gyne patients. Essentially, your question is "what are the chances of my gyne coming back if I quit smoking pot only a short time ago." You also stated that your gyne started in puberty and is located primarily in your nipples (which I equate to a puffy nipple component). Having started in puberty predates the pot smoking (I assume) therefore I am not sure of the relationship of pot to your gyne. The bottom line is your results will depend on how well your surgeon removes your breast capsule. The breast capsule is what contains all your breast tissue. With puffy nipple, this breast tissue acts like it has tentacles that invade into the nipple areola complex.
I have treated many gyne patients who acquired their gyne from steroids. Steroids have a much stronger association with gyne than pot does. Many of these patients continue using steroids (which I don't recommend) and not one has had a return of their gyne. The reason is that when the entire breast capsule is removed, all the breast tissue and precursors to breast tissue are also removed. This makes it impossible for breast tissue to reform to any detectable amount. The same applies to pot. If the entire breast capsule is removed you will not have a recurrence.
The biggest problem you will have is that puffy nipple, as I mentioned, implies invasion of breast tissue into the dermis of the nipple/areola. Inexperienced gyne surgeons have a very difficult time assessing how much of this invasive breast tissue to remove. This takes experience. Taking too little means persistent puffiness. Taking too much may mean loss or partial loss of the nipple/areola complex.
The good news is that you will achieve good, long term results provided you go to an experienced gyne surgeon. Do not worry about the pot smoking. Quitting before surgery is more important from a wound healing perspective. I will save you the discussing the many other, non-gyne, problems of chronic pot smoking as I am sure you are aware.
Enjoy your new gyne free chest,
Dr. Cruise
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia

Offline Evergreenkid

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Wow thank you very much for this information. I've seen good pictures from the surgeon I'm going to and now I just hope she gets it right for me. As the days come closer it's all I think about and mostly how everything can go wrong. But this reply will help me sleep tonight. Thank you.

Offline Evergreenkid

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Also I had another question, I run a lot and on days were im exhausted from work I take one small scoop of pre-workout. I stoped taking that as well just because I don't have full information if it effects the aftermath or recovery of surgery. Can you please give me insight on this?


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