Author Topic: Message for Irish_dude  (Read 3164 times)

Offline Sean

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  • Gyne Removed by Mr. Levick- 19/07/06
Hi mate,
I hope your op went well....I read your post below....14 days prob is way too early to tell results but I hope all probs are resolved. I think all your pictures look great!
I have a few questions for you if thats ok-
1) Did you just fly over for 1 day for the initial consultation?
2) Did you book your op. on the day?
3) Did you buy a compression vest pre op and from where?
4) Where did you stay when in Birmingham?
5) How long did you wait before you flew home after the operation?
6) Did you have anyone with you?
7) How much did everything cost? Did Dr. Levick take into account that you were flying from Ireland in regards to the price?
8) How painful was the overall process? (I wont mind the pain- got through back surgery last year ok!)
9) How many days did you take off work?

Sorry for all the questions again! Happy healing!

Offline irish_dude

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I have a few questions for you if thats ok-

No problem! You can email me directly on this as well if you want via private message

1) Did you just fly over for 1 day for the initial consultation?

Yes, I didn't stay overnight in Birmingham. Got a morning flight out, evening flight in.

2) Did you book your op. on the day?

I did, but you're not pressurised to do so - quite the opposite.

3) Did you buy a compression vest pre op and from where?

Mr. L will give you all the details on the day. Delivery to Ireland is very spicy with that supply company (circa 50 Euros), you may suggest to them to deliver to Mr.L's office and you'll pick them up on the day of the op if that's ok. I bought two, as one could be 'in the wash' at any given time.

4) Where did you stay when in Birmingham?
The Hyatt. It's about 89 a night and probably one of the nicest hotels in the city. It's about 15 mins cab ride away from the Hospital. I booked a normal room for the night pre-op and then one of their mini-suites for the night post op. It was 189 for the suite. Mad I know, but I felt like treating myself after the surgery!

5) How long did you wait before you flew home after the operation?

Stayed overnight at the hospital, then next night at the hotel. I felt like I could have flown back the day after the op, but not everyone can be as lucky with recovery.

6) Did you have anyone with you?

Yes, to be recommended.

7) How much did everything cost? Did Dr. Levick take into account that you were flying from Ireland in regards to the price?
3655 Sterling. He didn't take into account my travel, and why should he? London is a further distance to Birmingham. Aer Lingus flights were about 140 all in return. Ryanair were much more expensive.

8) How painful was the overall process? (I wont mind
the pain- got through back surgery last year ok!)
In my case, no pain. The most painful thing was when the nurse was a little over-eger pulling out one of my drains. But overall, it was a breeze, just mild discomfort, and I stress mild. Again, I stress, that was my experience!

9) How many days did you take off work?
I'd planned to take the following week off, but I got bored around the house and was back in the office on Tuesday, about 4 days later.

Sorry for all the questions again! Happy healing!

No problem! You can quiz me anytime, either here or in the Private Message facility.

Out of curiosity, how old are you? Are you based in Dublin? Has the gyne been a major thing in your life?

Offline Sean

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  • Gyne Removed by Mr. Levick- 19/07/06
Hi mate,

Thanks very much for your detailed replies! It really is a great help!
In answer to your questions- Im 24 and based in Rathgar in Dublin.
Gyne was first noticed in my life when I was about 13. I took off my top on a hot day and one of my friends said- ''man, youve got t*ts''!
So many people have said it to me over the years and I cared but really didnt let it get me down or prevent me from taking off my t-shirt in public.
In about the last 3 years or so, I have started getting more and more conscious of it. I am at the stage that I am really paranoid about people pointing it out!
I am only starting to realise how much it actually effects my life. I always try to wear nice clothes but they never really sit on me right because of the gyne. I only wear baggy t-shirts or about 3 t-shirts at once to try and hide it! Clothes would look so much better without it.
I am most conscious of it with girls now! Before, I didnt care what they think at all but now Im almost trying to read their mind as to what they think about it!
Unfortunately, Im losing my hair(slowly) too. The way I look at it is that I cant really do much about my hair(although Im trying!) but I can do something about the gyne, so thats why Im going to get the surgery. Im also travelling around the world next year so it would be great to be rid of it by then.
BTW, I slipped a disc bench pressing last year trying to get rid of it! I had to get part of the disc removed! Disaster.
So all in all, I hope the surgery will give me the results I want. I really really would love to get it done in Ireland. The travelling part is annoying me just cause of the hassel, having to bring someone etc. Dublin would be FAR better. Price is kinda irrelevant when it comes to hassel.
One thing that is really bothering though- I googled Dr. Levick and all I could find was cases against him for serious professional misconduct! He won the case but this seriously bothers me. Has this been discussed before?
BTW, How big are the scars??

Thanks again and happy healing,

Offline orrible

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Hey Sean, just reading your thread noticed you said you have slow hairloss and are doing something about it. Im 24 same thing but i took hairloss meds and that led to my gyne although minor. Not sure how your combating your hairloss, but if your using internal meds be careful as they can have nasty sides. Good luck.

Offline London_boy

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Hi Sean
One thing that is really bothering though- I googled Dr. Levick and all I could find was cases against him for serious professional misconduct! He won the case but this seriously bothers me. Has this been discussed before?

I did exactly the same thing as you about a year ago when I finally decided to get something done about my gyne, and it worried me too at first and I think it was something that was still in the back of my mind up until I had the op, so I know exactly how you feel. The topic has been discussed on here before, so if you do a search you should find it. As you say, he won which I think is probably the most pertinant bit but also if you do go ahead and book a consultation, I understand (although I didn't ask myself) that he's quite happy to talk about it.

At the end of the day, you've got to make the decision that 's right for you and go with the surgeon that you feel the most comfortable with a confident in and who you think's going to do the best job for you !

Best of Luck

Offline irish_dude

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So all in all, I hope the surgery will give me the results I want. I really really would love to get it done in Ireland. The travelling part is annoying me just cause of the hassel, having to bring someone etc. Dublin would be FAR better. Price is kinda irrelevant when it comes to hassel.

To be honest, it's not like you're flying to the other end of the world! It's only an hour's flight time.

I had an email from another Irish sufferer on here, asking me about the Advanced Comsetic Surgery clinic in Dublin. There's also another clinic in Dublin called 'Transform'.

Both started off in the UK and have clinics all over. I'm kinda dubious about those places as they are more about the brand than the surgeon. They all use visiting surgeons who fly in and out and work for several other clinics.

Plus, I had a very bad initial consultation with Transform here in Dublin back in 1993.

Mr.Levick mentioned a surgeon working out of Dublin who uses the same technique as him. I don't remember the name he said, and at the time I didn't recall every seeing that surgeon mentioned on here. If you ring his office and ask nicely, his secretary might be able to tell you.

One thing that is really bothering though- I googled Dr. Levick and all I could find was cases against him for serious professional misconduct! He won the case but this seriously bothers me. Has this been discussed before?

I think all those entries on the web relate to a single case where he was doing tummy lipo on a woman. As this was a case that was picked up by the local press, it appears on a lot of websites.

Although as you say, he was cleared by the GMC, he does dozens of operations a week, and has probably done hundreds, maybe thousands of operations over his professional career.

I'm trying to stay objective, but if you or I consider the amount of times we've probably screwed-up at work, then that's not a bad batting average to be honest.

BTW, How big are the scars??

About 1cm in lenght, just in front of the armpits. You'll really have to look hard to notice them (see IT100's pics).

Thanks again and happy healing,

You too dude. Let me know what option you eventually take.

As I said, Birmingham isn't exactly Timbucktoo, I was seriously considering going to the states a few years back, but then sense kicked in.

The big question is how accessible will your surgeon be if things go wrong 24 hours after the op? Surgeons like Mr.Levick and Mr.Stanik have a 'fixed abode' and work out of a single clinic (Mr.Stanik does the op on an out-patient basis).

With the 'branded' clinics that I mentioned earlier, the surgeon might be on a 'plane the next day.

Offline Sean

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  • Gyne Removed by Mr. Levick- 19/07/06
Wow guys, thanks for the great advce.

Stonecold, ye I am taking all sorts of internals for the hairloss but it hasnt made the gyne worse. Ive had it from a young age! Pain in the balls have the two though!
London boy, good advice- just needed my mind to be set at ease really!
Irish_dude, thanks for all the great advice and Ill keep in touch. I know Birmingham is so close and its not me who Id care about, its the person I drag over there with me! I might bring my mum!
Anyway, thanks again guys.


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