Author Topic: Is medicine is better than surgery in case of gynecomastia ?  (Read 1556 times)


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Is Gynexol or etc medicine for gynecomastia better than surgery ?

I have no idea about surgery so can anyone tell me how expensive it is ?

Offline Paa_Paw

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While there are a number of products sold to treat Gynecomastia,  None actually work.  The products are usually Herbal products that you have to order.   Their claims do not have to be backed by actual clinical studies because they are natural herbs.  They are very careful to avoid using any manufactured chemicals that would put them under the control of food and drug regulations.

If you check the advertising of these products, you will find that they rely on testimonials a lot.  This is a real joke. The writers of all the testimonials all use the same terms and make the same errors of grammar. If you get the idea that one person dreamed up all those testimonials you would probably be correct.   
Grandpa Dan


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