Author Topic: Surgery Diary (Ireland)  (Read 2573 times)

Offline long6months

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So I have decided to add a little diary on here of my surgery experience!

A little bit of my back story...

I am a 22 year old guy who has suffered with this problem since I was a teenager.
The embarrassment of not being able to wear plain t shirts like the rest of my friend's without worrying about the prominence of my right nipple sticking out.
In the cold weather I was absolutely fine but as soon as I got a little warm or my nipple was comfortable it would appear swollen.
I couldn't stand acting weird around pools/ on sun holidays/ at night clubs anymore!
I went to the GP and was basically told there's nothing you can do about it except get use to it. But I was determined to find away and with some research online I came upon the surgery option. I had to book a consultation... ASAP!!

At the consultation the doctor had spoke to me about the different option I had.
I could get some liposuction and it MIGHT reduce the size of the puffy nipple, or I could have the excision with some liposuction as well which would give a better result. I would have to have it on both sides either way for symmetry. He told me that it must be quite frustrating because I don't have much weight on me and also have some good chest muscle sitting behind that actually pushes it forward and make its more prominent. The only problem I faced was the potential small scars which may arise.

I slept on it asked some further questions and decided that I would rather POTENTIALLY have a small scar than live with this problem denting my confidence anymore! So I done it! I booked my surgery despite the cost and played the waiting game!

After months of waiting, yesterday I went for my final blood test and now I'm 7hrs away from arriving into the hospital.
I am scared of the unknown - the being put to sleep, the after pain, the possible side
effects, but looking back on all the times that this has held me back I know I am ready for the battle!

Offline long6months

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Pre-op photo's:

1. Cold temp - nipple's look normal.
2. Warmer temp - one nipple bigger than other.

Offline long6months

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1.Close up of bigger nipple
2.Close up of both nipples

Offline long6months

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So a bit of an update! 
Operation day:
So I arrived at the hospital with my overnight bag at about 7am feeling nervous etc. Had to fast from midnight the night before so was quite thirsty, was given my room and lines were drawn on me by surgeon. He explained again about the possible scarring etc but I replied with some heal well though right? He agree'd (knowing I was willing to take the risk). He then took some pre-op photo's and told me I'd be waiting until the afternoon. Next the anesthetist came in to ask some questions and explain how he would put me under. After that I took a little nap and next thing I knew the nurse was ready to bring me down to the theatre.
They got me hooked up to the machines and off I went to sleep. When I woke up I was still a bit dizzy. I asked the nurses how did it go ok (numerous times - because of the drugs) they said it went fine! They had me bandaged up with my compression top on and some drains and drips in. I chilled for the rest of the day. Felt more uncomfortable than  pain. They gave me more drugs and I had a good sleep that night.

Post Op Day 1
The next morning more drugs, food, tea, drips and drains out and I was on my way home with my perscription and post op appointment times (first one being a week after).
Not much pain again just discomfort of compression top. First nights sleep at home was awful. Mostly because I had been laying flat all day so it almost felt too straight! Best thing to do is during the day to be in a sat up position so when you go to bed it feels nice to stretch out.

Post Op Day 2 
Still fine on pain. Washed lower half of body with shower and sponged top half to keep bandages dry. First time taking compression top off and changing it. Feels weird to take it off. Feels very exposed. changed it to a compression vest instead of zip up! See some swelling and bruising but not alot.
More comfortable sleep this night also.

*The pain so far has been miniscual to what I was told to expect. Maybe I'm speaking too soon haha!

Offline Askone

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Congratulations! Did you get the work done in Ireland?


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