Yes, I get "choices", and yes, trading prostate cancer for breasts seems to be good choice. Trading any real health issue for breasts is a good choice.
HOWEVER, I have traded NOTHING. For some unknown reason, at around age 53, I started developing, It has been officially diagnosed as idiopathic by the doctors who can find no cause. I am currently a 34C and still growing.
My case seems to be different than everyone else here, in that I had no choices to make - other than recreational drugs and steroids, and those choices were to abstain.
Other than some low back pain (along with 90% of the population), I currently have no health problems and take no meds, so the gyno issue is always front and center regarding my physical self.
Hi Bummed,
Yup, all I did was go through puberty and get enlarged breasts. All I did was have a mother that has large breasts running in the family, male and female. What can I say, that';s the way the cookie crumbles. Or maybe Karma or genetics unknown to you and doctors nutrient deficiency. I do know that you are extraordinarily lucky to have such good health. There was no choice on my port at all. I suspect that this was caused in me by my metabolic problems
Not a single thing has made mine bigger or smaller except changes in weight from water and fa, and you know that DD to D but more outstanding just doesn't make any difference.. The only choice I had was how to react to it, influenced early on by being a bully target. I've learned otherwise now.
Wearing comfy t-shirts that fit normally all summer had no particular effect. Nobody gave a damn. Nobody really noticed and nobody wasted any of their life about my breasts.
Alfred E, Neuman - "What, me worry?".
You know, I believe that there has to be a reason. I had a bunch of idiotpathology opinions that all turned out to be wrong. There were definite causes for all my problems. If research had worked right I would have had my problems recognized (also hereditary) and suitably treated instead of getting terribly ill.
I didn't have a choice like smoking or not, to have hereditary metabolic diseases or not. I wasted lots of years worrying about what amounts to a minor cosmetic problem before I learned what real trouble is.
Really, just forget about your breasts and go back to enjoying your life before your real problems set in, may for obvious choices you made or genes or who knows what. At your age I had been physically crashed for 14 years in terrible intractable chronic pain..