Author Topic: My Gyno  (Read 3189 times)

Offline bleon40661

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I am 34 and have lived with GYNO since about 12 yrs old.  I have just recently gottent the courage to go and meet with a Plastic Surgeon.  I would say that I have a large case of gyno as I am overweight but have lost a tremendous amount of weight over the last 1 1/2 yrs.  The Dr. says that he feels sure that my skin will retract and look very nice is 6 months (I sure hope so).  I have a 4 yr old daughter and I am not going through another summer without getting in the pool with her.  I am 6-4 290 and plan to have the surger on Nov 9 this year (I am on a very high work out schedule at this time to loose more weight but more importantly body fat by this date).  Any words of encouragement would greatly be appreciated as I am obviously nervous about the surgery.  

Thanks for reading my post.

Offline nothingworse

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Thats great that you got up and did something about it. You are correct on most of your points. Weight loss is important so do what you can and see what happens. Weight loss does usually help shrink the gyne quite a bit but, usually doesn't cure it all the way. Set a goal for yourself and work your way there. Also, about your skin retracting well the doc is for the most part right that if you give it time it will retract but, sometimes there is a lot of excess skin and a revision surgery to remove excess skin can be necessary. Depends on you though everyone heals differently. Anyways that is also great to hear that you are on the right track on your weight becausing losing weight will make for better overall results. Also, some toning would help as well. Especially about 6 weeks after surgery. Tone up the muscle and tighten up. That will help the skin also. Also, after you get this surgery keep on a decent diet. Because if you gain a lot of weight again it could come back. I am talking a weight gain of like 50-60 pounds plus. So monitior your weight and work out and excercise moderately. The surgery is half the part mainting the results is the other half. The thing is with all surgerys if you don't maintain your procedure then you will lose or worsen your overall results. The thing is you are doing this for you and I don't blame you for wanting this surgery. And it probably hasn't been a walk in the park having gyne as long as you. I have had it for 8 years and let me tell you it is 8 years to much. I as well am getting the surgery within the next month. I hope when you get your surgery results turn out satisfactory or even better for ya. Also, I hope the skin contour comes back nice and tight. And I hope you can finally go to the pool with your daughter for the first time and feel more confident. Do your part and get your surgery and enjoy your life. You deserve it. So I hope things turn out for the best and you can finally be and do what you have always wanted. And won't have that dam* gyne holding you back. Good luck!!!

Offline bleon40661

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Hey man...Thanks so much for responding with such a positive message.  Can't wait til Nov 9 so I can get rid of these things.

Offline jc71

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Hey Bleon, I've got a 1 year old and we go to the public pool about twice a week.  It's a great feeling. I'm sure you and your daughter will enjoy this quality time together.  :)

Offline bleon40661

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I was told that the anestesia would be local and I would be sedated with an ivy.  Has anyone experienced this?  Do you remember any of the surgery or is it best to be knocked completely out?  I have 3 weeks before these big fuckers come off and I can't wait but as you can imagine I am very nervous about the surgery even though I read only possitive results.  

Any advice on how to help the skin retract.  I have a large case and my PS said that since I am still young (34) that the skin should retract without a problem.


Offline Blitz

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Some advice on losing weight and losing it fast:

1.) Cardio in the morning before breakfast.  It is said you can burn 3 times more fat at that time.  Glycogen is low when you wake up because you've been asleep for approx. 6 to 8 hours.  If you were to start doing cardio right after you got up (no breakfast), you'll start burning fat instead of glycogen because there isn't any stored in your system.  Drink a glass of water before you start.  Have breakfast after.  

2.) Eat breakfast.  I love plain oatmeal in the morning.  The water soluble fibre in oatmeal is what makes it take longer to digest giving you that I'm full feeling for a longer time.  Plus, it kickstarts your metabolism.  Eat wise at this time as this will dictate the day.  

3.) Eat more meals and less portions throughout the day.  Forget about 3 square meals.  That just slows down your metabolism which causes you to eat junk in between meals.   Eat about 5 to 6 meals a day and keep the portions small.  Limit your carbs at dinner and try not to have any after.  My go to late night meal is high fiber cereal but I rarely eat after dinner.  The pounds melted off of me when I started implementing this routine.

4.) Get plenty of rest.  So much happens in terms of internal body chemistry when sleeping.  A solid 8 hour sleep is best.  I wish I followed this one more seriously but with the baseball playoffs on and a new hockey season, it's kind of tough.

5.) Exercise.  Not just cardio but hit the weight room.  If done with a good intensity, it offers a great workout.  Lift and then jog.  You will be melting off the weight.  

I remember in 1994, I was overweight and did something about it.  I joined a gym and for that first year, I was there 3 to 4 times a week jogging for 30 minutes.  No weights, just jogging.  I didn't change my diet either.  The results after that first year was me maintaining my original weight (208 pounds).  I didn't put on weight but I didn't lose either.   There was so much I didn't know about weight loss and what I needed to do.  The internet was just getting off the ground at that time.  

Cut to over 10 years later.  I'm now down to 190 pounds and I'm hoping to get a bit heavier with muscle weight.  I've lost a lot of belly fat as well.  I was pushing a 38 on my waist size.  I tried on an old pair of Eddie Bauer khaki's (size 34) the other day and it fit me perfectly.  I'm on the internet a lot reading about weight loss techniques (for motivation) and while some sites disagree with this diet or that diet, the tips I listed above are about the only thing that's agreed on.  

Good luck on your upcoming surgery.  

Offline jc71

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Good job Blitz.  Looks like you blitzed the thread with a hypo-esk rant about diet and exercise.

I agree with everything you wrote.  The morning cardio, diet, exercise, rest, everything.  Good post.


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