Author Topic: ~REVISIONS~Request 4 feedbak from those inthe know  (Read 3101 times)

Offline tonysoprano

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hEY people.
Long time no contact, but hope you are all going well.. dont recognise too many from my regular posting dAYS right now,but anyway...

I am 7 months post-op, and I'd say My gyne is 20- maybe 30% better than it was pre-op.
I believe I will definitely need some sort of revisionary procedure to fix 3 main problems:

1. leftover fat across whole chest (I only had 20cc per side removed originally)
2 revision of 'fucked up', deflated looking nipples that are still puffy and bulbus in parts
3. noticeable incision scars under my nips.

I am just not sure how to approach my ps about this. He definitely doesnt do any revision work for free (he states this at the outset to all patients anyway), but thats not really an issue for me.

I just want the problem/s  to be fixed, whatever it still takes...

Im assuming what I need is additional  (and this time more extensive) lipo, as well as some sort of nipple revision for the incisions and the underlying scar tissue,whatever that entails.

So... does anyone have any tips for me ... as to ...

1. how best to approach my surgeon about the subject of A revision at my upcoming 7 month appt. (without suggesting that his original surgery was unsuccessful, because it wasnt ,rather it was only a minimal improvement) ??? I want to approach him from the right diplomatic angle here...Because he is very experience ,reputable and respected , so I dont want the fact that I am requesting a revision to seem like an insult to any work he did.

2. What is actually involved in having a Revision from the same original surgeon ?? I dont think I have much more gland to remove..seems like I could need just lipo and scar revisions?? how invasive is this type of a  revision likely to be compared to my original surgery ?    (which was gland excision +minor lipo-sculpting -  too minor obviously)??

[The thing is my chest is still way too prominent  for the rest of my build which is quite lean and barely any muscle mass... and the chest is also out of proportion,size-wise to my skinny arms and legs....]

anyone  thats had a revision or planning one got any tips for these 2 queries ?? It'd be much appreciated, and I could stress less until my appointment.. cheers


ps. No I dont have any pics - sorry
« Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 04:29:11 AM by tonysoprano »
... and the saga continues

Offline Drastic99

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Who was the surgeon and did he say anything about this possibly happening?

Offline JTZ

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If you aren't happy with the original surgery by this surgeon, you probably wouldn't be happy with a revision done by the same surgeon.

You should probably consider having a revision surgery done by a surgeon who does a lot of gyno surgeries per year and has a good reputation (Dr. Bermant or Dr. /).

A surgeon's good reputation and experience w/ gyno surgery doesn't ensure you'll have a good outcome, but it certainly increases your chances. 
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 07:33:38 AM by cleanup »

Offline tonysoprano

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Neither his experience or reputation is lacking in anyway.
Ive seen pics of other gyne jobs he did that came out great... Its just one of those things I guess, that some surgeries will darn up.

Im no worse than I was pre-op (although the nipples certainly do look less attractive), though only slightly improved, rather than greatly improved, or liveable with.

ps. Not everyone here posting is in the US

Offline tonysoprano

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Hey again people,

Still really desperately hoping to hear from anyone thats had revision surgery, especially those who have had revisions with their same original PS.

Really wanna find out about your experiences, and what exactly is involved the second (or third or more) time around with surgery ....

(Or anyone still waiting out for a revision... whats your action plan?)

cheers guys


Offline tonysoprano

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hEY people.
Long time no contact, but hope you are all going well.. dont recognise too many from my regular posting dAYS right now,but anyway...

I am 7 months post-op, and I'd say My gyne is 20- maybe 30% better than it was pre-op.
I believe I will definitely need some sort of revisionary procedure to fix 3 main problems:

1. leftover fat across whole chest (I only had 20cc per side removed originally)
2 revision of 'fucked up', deflated looking nipples that are still puffy and bulbus in parts
3. noticeable incision scars under my nips.

I am just not sure how to approach my ps about this. He definitely doesnt do any revision work for free (he states this at the outset to all patients anyway), but thats not really an issue for me.

I just want the problem/s  to be fixed, whatever it still takes...

Im assuming what I need is additional  (and this time more extensive) lipo, as well as some sort of nipple revision for the incisions and the underlying scar tissue,whatever that entails.

So... does anyone have any tips for me ... as to ...

1. how best to approach my surgeon about the subject of A revision at my upcoming 7 month appt. (without suggesting that his original surgery was unsuccessful, because it wasnt ,rather it was only a minimal improvement) ??? I want to approach him from the right diplomatic angle here...Because he is very experience ,reputable and respected , so I dont want the fact that I am requesting a revision to seem like an insult to any work he did.

2. What is actually involved in having a Revision from the same original surgeon ?? I dont think I have much more gland to remove..seems like I could need just lipo and scar revisions?? how invasive is this type of a  revision likely to be compared to my original surgery ?    (which was gland excision +minor lipo-sculpting -  too minor obviously)??

[The thing is my chest is still way too prominent  for the rest of my build which is quite lean and barely any muscle mass... and the chest is also out of proportion,size-wise to my skinny arms and legs....]

anyone  thats had a revision or planning one got any tips for these 2 queries ?? It'd be much appreciated, and I could stress less until my appointment.. cheers


ps. No I dont have any pics - sorry

There can be many elements involved in revision gynecomastia surgery.  Deformities can include the access scar(s), remaining gland and scar after liposuction alone, and adhesion deformities.

Some crater deformities can be so extensive that there is not enough tissue left for revision.

Such questions are better explored during a consultation after an evaluation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline STILLgotIT

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tony, i remember you, bro.

I wouldn't worry about hurting his feelings. You paid his THOUSANDS of dollars and you didn't get your money's worth. He should be worried about YOUR feelings. Ya follow me?

Anyways, if his revision is not free then I'd definitely go to someone else. He had his chance... why pay him twice? And, just like the first op, there is no "free revision" guarantee from this doc.

You know the old saying... "burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame no ME."

Go to a different doc who will assure you of great results with the promise of a free revision if it still needs it.

I'm having a revision in about 3 weeks. I'll let you know how mine goes.

PS. Mine is FREE.

Offline tonysoprano

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tony, i remember you, bro.

I wouldn't worry about hurting his feelings. You paid his THOUSANDS of dollars and you didn't get your money's worth. He should be worried about YOUR feelings. Ya follow me?

Anyways, if his revision is not free then I'd definitely go to someone else. He had his chance... why pay him twice? And, just like the first op, there is no "free revision" guarantee from this doc.

You know the old saying... "burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame no ME."

Go to a different doc who will assure you of great results with the promise of a free revision if it still needs it.

I'm having a revision in about 3 weeks. I'll let you know how mine goes.

PS. Mine is FREE.

Cheers brother,
I remember you too very well.

Im not worried about hurting his feelings, I just dont  want him to dismiss my concerns and the items I belive need to be revised as trivial, just because I am an allround mildcase as it is. (Then again, I guess mild is all subjective right?)

I dont really think that it was anything my pd did or didnt do that result in my unsatisfactory results.. I think its just one of those things, and Im just wanna of the few that will turn out to be not as good as expected.
Even the most acclaimed PS's in the US (bermant, jacobs etc) have patients here and there that are unhappy and need revisions.
I am still confident that my PS is one of the best Im gonna find where I live, and its a general practice down here that most PS's dont gurantee their work with free revisions, since PS is not an exact science.

also, they usually state at the outset (prob due to legal reasons) that any revision will have to be at the cost of the patient.

Thing is, whether I go with my original PS who didnt get it right the first time (and whose to say another one would have) or I go with another reputable PS, either way Im gonna have to pay for the surgery and associated costs again , anyway.
Im not gonna switch PS's just to spite my original PS for not making an exception for me and revising for free/.... Ill rather wait till I re-consult with him in a few weeks, and see what he thinks he can achieve in a revision.
Im not especially keen to hastily seek another consult, considering I already have a rapport built with my PS and his staff there.

Obviously, if at the  8 month follow-up he begins trying to suggest that I look fine, or that maybe its in my head, or its unnoticeable or maybe I only need a slight scar revision,etc,etc , then Ill be taking the bull by the horns and consulting fresh with a new surgeon , hopefully of equal repute and experience...

what exactly is it about your chest that you are having revised mate? How much is it costing you, and what did your original ps say when you brought the subject up? -

« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 06:41:08 AM by cleanup »

Offline tonysoprano

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