Author Topic: 1 year later  (Read 2273 times)

Offline Gyno2110

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I had my surgery a year ago.  While I think the doctor did his best I don't think he was methodical enough when he remove the glands.  I was fairly happy for the first few months but after swelling subsided completely I noticed my nipples didn't contour the chest especially on the outside.  If I flex I can feel the remaining gladular tissue.  It's almost like a ridge that runs along the outside of the nipple complex starting at the top and around the outside edge where when my muscle settles it pushes it out.  So basically when he cut the gland out he just took a chuck from the center and thats it.  He was going to do a revison but told me it wouldn't change anything.  From the what I saw, most doctors are a little more methodical, make sure there is a smooth transition. Any thoughts?

Offline Paa_Paw

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March 16, 2016
"At some point you have to trust your Doctor"
March 17, 2016
" Imy pretty positive that it hasn't been years since he's had a male gynecomastia patient.  I don't want to back out at this point."  
March 21, 2016
" I don't expect or have irrational expectations."
" I'm doing mine under local and I'm not sure yet that lipo will be necessary."
"time will tell if I made the right decision."
March 24, 2016
"I did have some discomfort during the surgery while they were administering lipo. But overall it wasn't too bad they did seem to be impressed with my ability to absorb the discomfort (pain).  I can see why doctors rather work under general anesthesia.   I don't think I flinched once."
You gave good advice, too bad you did not follow it yourself.  You used a surgeon while being unsure of his qualifications, then you were the one who decided whether or not to use lipo, you insisted on a local when the Surgeon would have preferred a general anaesthesia.    You called all the shots, even boasted about your ability to tolerate pain etc.   Since you took charge of the surgery, I guess anything wrong is your fault. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline Gyno2110

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Paw paw, Notice i didnt say anything bad about about my surgeon, if i showed photos i know the doctors (who i was asking input from) would probably say he did a tremendous job overall.  You dont need to troll my previous post and then try to lecture me.  My surgery wasnt botched.  Get off your pedestal and let a professional reply if he/she chooses to.  Some of you people have way too much time on your hands!  Draw a picture or go fishing if get the urge to reply because this conversations is done!

Also, I didnt decide whether i got lipo, my surgeon did.  Where in that quote you posted did you draw that conclusion.  Did you take your meds today?

Oh, i didnt realize you were a senior moderator.  Go on and continue to lecture!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 06:33:21 PM by Gyno2110 »

Offline Litlriki

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When the procedure is executed optimally, there is very little palpable "glandular tissue" remaining--really just the small button of tissue on the underside of the nipple-areola.  You mention that you can feel the residual glandular tissue, so that means there's still some there--accounting for your disappointment.  Without photos, it's difficult to comment further, but evaluation by a trained gynecomastia surgeon would be helpful if you're considering revision.
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Offline Gyno2110

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Thanks for your input Dr. Silverman.  I will try to post some pictures this weekend. In your experience when revision is done for residual gland, is it usually done with some lipo or not?  My surgeon admitted to some residual gland.  Some of the hardness that i can feel could also be scar tissue.  But since it seems to be consistent on both sides my guess would lean towards gland.  Any rate, thanks again.  

Offline Dr. Schuster

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If your surgeon doesn't do a lot of gynecomastia surgery it is easy to either leave some gland behind or not understand how to contour the edges. You might want to get some other opinions to make sure you are confident in allowing your original surgeon to do the revision.
Dr. Schuster
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Northwest Hospital
Private practice in Baltimore, Maryland
10807 Falls Road
Lutherville, Maryland 21093

Offline Gyno2110

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Here are a few photos....Any opinions welcomed!  Obviously before/after photo.

Offline Gyno2110

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Here are some photos...this is recent and to me show how the protrusion of the nipples is evident. Hard to tell in other photos (no pun intended).

Offline Gyno2110

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Offline Gyno2110

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Offline Gyno2110

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Offline Litlriki

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    • Dr. Silverman's Website
Most of my revisions include liposuction with some gland excision, depending on persistent presence of gland.  What is required is determined on exam and in the process of doing the procedure in some cases. 


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