Author Topic: My surgeon offers free revision operations  (Read 2217 times)

Offline Stevew87

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I'm seeing someone in the UK. They charge 4k for the operation and it is done in watford (cheaper for them to do it there). They have also told me that if any issue such as identation comes up you will get a free revision op. Does anyone else know of such a place that offers this? I think this is only a positive thing because if revision ops were common they would surely lose a fair bit of money.

Offline Itsnotsobad

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I know its not about your question directly, but are you going with Centre For Surgery ? I have a consultation booked start of next month and I'm bricking it mainly because I haven't found any reviews with them on here. I don't want to start waffling but if you're talking about the same clinic, how did the consultation go ? Did they put you at ease?

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Every surgeon will have his or her own policy on revision surgery.  Most plastic surgeons will offer some type of discount if a revision procedure is required. This is a generalization, but many surgeons for the first year of follow up will waive their surgeon's fee and charge the patient only the operating room fee and the anesthesia fee. You should ask your surgeon at the initial consultation what his or her revision policy is.
Hope this helps.
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline Stevew87

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Yes I was bricking it as well man I couldn't find any reviews on this site. I really want to go with them though because it is only around £4k as opposed to kardis who's like £5.5k. What i did find comforting is that they do have testimonies on their site and they do seem like a legit company so they cannot fake those. Also their google review is 5 star with 30 reviews which is impressive... i'm pretty sure you can't fake that. They also offer free revision surgery if it does go a bit wrong which has given me comfort. They also don't charge much for or at all (It's weird after the first they didn't make me pay) for consultations.
On their website go to: ''About Us'' ---> ''Testimonies''
^ there are quite a few on gyno ops

Offline longdrives

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What's an extra 1.5k for the piece of mind if going with someone who has done tons.  If I lived in the U.K. I would go with Kardis all day everyday based on the results I've seen.

Offline Stevew87

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The person I'm seeing does 4-5 each month and normally only does the more extreme cases (he is their best gyno surgeon). They also use the same ''through the chest instead of the areola'' method.
For me... 4.6k is pushing it. I've been tempted to go to Poland of which would be only around £1800-£2000 including travel etc. But they don't use the advanced technique and they always have to drain the chest after the OP... with kardis and the guy im seeing they rarely have to do that because of the special instruments they use. I saw a video of a guy who had a nurse have to take out a thick plastic tube about 30cm long from INSIDE his chest and he said it was the most weird uncomfortable feeling... I'd be dreading that more than the surgery. But also if it goes wrong your paying another 2k or even worse you are paying kardis or another place 4k for another op that could go wrong... at least with the people im going to they offer free revision ops.

Offline longdrives

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Sounds like you are convinced to go with this guy, so go for it I say.  I keep seeing you mention free revisions, who cares if they offer free revisions.  I would never want a revision, that means they f-ed something up the first time.  Hence my recommendation to go to Kardis.

Offline Stevew87

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If they offer free revisions it means they rarely have to do them. Also I'm sure Kardis doesn't have a 100% success record. What i gathered from other surgeons on this site is indentations do happen, not often. I will contact Kardis and see what they say about that. If he really does then maybe i should consider him but its annoying having to pay £150 for a consultation.

Offline longdrives

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Sounds good,  I live in the US and paid 10,000 for mine and I don't care because from what I have seen it came out perfect.  But what I have seen from Kardis patients is they are all perfect.  I have never heard of your guy and to me that says a lot.  I have been hawking this forum since I started the journey and have never heard of your guy and have read at least 20 start to end Kardis journeys that all turned out great.   I'm just sayin, whatever works though.  Either way you should do it as you will feel great.  I went out today and got to dress up in my slacks and button up shirt and I must say I looked amazing!! Was so happy.

Offline Stevew87

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I've decided to book a consultation with kardis. Now that I'm approaching the ''ok im actually getting it done'' period I do think going with the best person is the better option. While i don't know for sure if Kardis is better... i do know from asking that he does more gyno operations and clearly from the forum he is very consistent. The people i saw while they seemed convincing and i won't write them off 100% yet... they showed me pictures of a couple of the operations... they could easily hand pick the good ones. My parents have agreed to pay for it and i have told them i will pay them back etc. I'm hoping it doesn't amount to any more than 6k... i know the starting price is 5.5k. To get a revision surgery which apparently is very unlikely it will cost 2k (hospital/anesthetic fees')... but im hoping that even if it did slightly go wrong it would be SO bad that i would need another op.

If i do go with kardis i know that i won't be as nervous come operation day because of the large number of people on here who have showed proof of his work.

Offline longdrives

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Nice man!  Awesome!  Good luck!  Post updates on how it goes if you can. :)


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