Author Topic: possibility of reoccurance of gynecomastia?  (Read 3461 times)


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   I've had the surgery to have my gynecomastia fixed, and I was wondering, does being previously afflicted with gynecomastia put you at an increased risk of developing it again?
  I've been thinking about using a supplement called superdrol, I suppose its essentially a pro-hormone (legalized steroid) for a short split of 3 weeks to pick up on my bench and build some fresh muscle. From what I've read most people who use it dont even experience bitch-breasts because it somewhat suppresses estrogen, and im going to do a post cycle therapy with rebound xt and nolvadex which are both targeted for it ( ill also be taking a bunch of supplements to prevent liver damage and all that).
  So if i do any of the stuff that can cause gynecomastia (pot, alcohol, steroids, etc.) does that put me at an increased risk to develop it over someone who has never had it?

Offline Hypo-is-here

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If all of the glandular mass has not been removed, and no surgeon can say whether they have done that 100%, then any remaining tissue can be acted upon by your hormones.

In other words it can grow back if the hormonal environment allows for it and some tissue remains.

It has grown back in many people before you, what makes you any different?

Do you really want to take the chance?

Do you really want to roll the dice?

« Last Edit: November 19, 2005, 02:00:50 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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i suppose not. i dont think mine was glandular, it was mostly fat, but after getting rid of it i really don't want to take the chance...i guess i'll just stick with being all natural.

Offline wolfman

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if u are so stupid to use steroids i hope u get gyno again
i finally feel like im a man

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I understand the frustration involved Wolfman if you feel you are develping or have developed something through no fault of your own when others around sometimes seem to have a carefree attitude to something that cases this condition.

I understand that, I really do, I felt like that too once upon a time.

But does expressing that help anyone?

This guy is now thinking better of using steroids, i'm not sure he would think that way if I just swore at him.

And if he doesn't touch them, then we have helped him to avoid getting...well lets be blunt, we have helped stop him from getting a pair of titts that would have made him miserable.

Offline wolfman

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how can it be so importent to get a few bumps on your body so u take that risk. if u get gyno again that is to get away easy, if u use steroids u may not be able to have kids u could die steroids is not good for your heart. u cant say that its smart to use it if u do youre and idiot. if u want muscle eat right and lift weights and let it take a little bit longer. steriode is for loosers

          BY Wolfman >:(

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Steroid abuse possibly.

But not steroids per se.

I am on testosterone replacement therapy for my hypogonadism.

My gp sticks a needle in my behind every three days and it makes life worth living- not the needle in the behind you understand  ;D just the positive life enhancing effects.

And don't forget everybody makes mistakes, so even those abusing them are not as an extension losers, as long as they see the priorities and bin them.


I did try to say------- Ass-------above but somehow the site removed the word so I had to use behind- can't quite work out why it allowed it  in the P.S then- how odd  :D

« Last Edit: November 22, 2005, 07:40:05 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Can it come back?

Hypo said: "--- If the hormonal environment allows for it and some tissue remains. "    He was correct.

In the course of your previous treatment, you should have had Laboratory work done to determin whether you have an on-going problem.  If this was not done,  see a Doctor and get it done now!

You could throw off your own hormonal equilibrium by taking any hormonally active substance.  

The fact that it is not illegal is no assurance of safety.  

I'm old enough to remember when Cocaine became illegal and I remember in WW2 when Canabis was grown legally in California and harvested for Fiber to make rope because we had so much trouble getting good hemp.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Captain Ahab was killed by Hemp- though not the variety people smoke  ;D

Interestingly Paw Paw hemp rope was replaced by a different substance in various aspects of whaling back in 1850, so strange that so much later something like marijuana was used when hemp wasn't available- for the life of me I don't know how that would work....Oh well

I wish I could remember the replacement that the whalers used for hemp, but I can't recall whereabouts in Mellville's Moby male thingy the passage is so?

It would have been interesting yet pointless trivia :D


This site wont allow me to name one of Americas classic novels  ;D

« Last Edit: November 23, 2005, 01:29:57 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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