Author Topic: Have you noticed any other guys wearing a bra  (Read 4105 times)

Offline blad

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I was out for my daily walk this morning in my neighborhood.  Towards the end of my route I passed a guy with obvious gyno in a dark colored T shirt. He had prominent nipples and as I said hello and passed by I am sure I noticed telltale bra cup outlines under his shirt. 

I don't recall seeing him before but I will certainly be on the look out again doing my daily walks. Being close to home I don't know if I would bring up a conversation about gyno with him if I had the opportunity. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline JohannK

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So far (I've posted about it before, so some of you might remember) I've only seen one man who appeared to be wearing.  It was an older man, slim build, and he had obvious gyne.  And going by how round and also "front and center" they were, I'm sure he was in a bra.

But of course this is South Africa, and we're a rather conservative bunch over here (to put it mildly).

Offline brock123

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Yes; but to date I've (perhaps erroneously?) considered these men to also be LGBTQ(etc) based on other visible factors/stereotypes on my part.  Most "gyne" men that I've noticed are "younger" and really don't seem to care about it and are apparently fine with just "flopping about".  Personally I think that's a good thing; I wish I had their presumed confidence in themselves.

Offline curiousk

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I can say that I haven’t seen a man wearing a bra.  I flopped around long enough to know that a bra is a good decision for me.  I hope that if a man feels comfortable enough to wear a bra, it’s treated as a functional article of clothing. 
« Last Edit: June 27, 2021, 07:26:27 AM by curiousk »


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I can say that I haven’t seen a man wearing a bra.  I flopped around long enough to know that a bra is a good decision for me.  I hope that if a man feels comfortable enough to wear a bra, it’s treated as a functional article of clothing.

A bra is probably the ultimate functional garment. I was 16 years old when I started wearing a bra full time. I realized that my life was better, even despite the teasing, by wearing a bra. It's also the ultimate combination of function and fashion. I know that many here may not care about the fashion side of it but, I happen to like wearing a cute bra that gives me the shape and support that I need. There's no reason that you can't look for and wear a cuter bra. You don't have to wear a bra that appears masculine. Bras are not just for women anymore. Your significant other may even find that they like seeing you in something other than a plain pullover sports bra. 

Offline paulpark21

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I have seen one other male wearing a bra.  I was at a local car show talking with a friend and a man and a girl  holding hands walked by.  There was no doubt he was wearing a bra - very visible.  I don't remember now how much projection he had.

Busted (and happy)

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Yes, but I still prefer to watch the ladies. 


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Offline Rich meier

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I like to compare the size of there breasts to mine i have noticed quite a few that are smaller than me. from what I have read b cup is the most common size

Offline SideSet

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I also compare my breasts to those of women I see.  I also am interested in the bras they wear, how they work for them, and how those bras might work for me 

Busted (and happy)

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Anyone still a bit wary of taking the plunge, getting fitted and wearing should take courage from this thread. Very few of those on this site are in anyway sure of seeing a man wearing a bra.
I am sure, that a much smaller percentage of the general population would notice - Remember they are almost  certainly not actually out spotting


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You make a good point.  I always felt I was alone in this town so that's why I never spotted another.
There has to be others that I have just walked on by never seeing or looking for.  I have seen some that could sure use the support and shaping.
  I have also found myself looking at women and how they present and are shaped.  Expressing themselves or toning things down a bit.  Outer wear changes the look also.  I have found different bras shape, hide, conceal, or express things differently.  I kinda enjoy that as well.

Offline Johndoe1

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Orb, I too do the same thing. I find I can control the look better if I understand what and how I am controlling.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Busted (and happy)

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Hi Dude
Just keep the faith. It took me 2/3 years to feel completely at ease. I don't flaunt my breasts nor bra but I have blissfully got to the point of wearing a comfortable bra and the clothes I want and not caring if it is not totally hidden. I have only once been in any sort of confrontational situation. I unapologetically informed the person that I wear on medical advice for problem I have and let them creep away in embarrassed silence with a self satisfied look on my face.
Not my problem if they can't hack it

Offline blad

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One other factor that makes it harder to spot another guy in a bra is they are also likely to trying to camouflage or down play that they are wearing one. I do get suspicious when I see another guy with gyno and try and see if I can notice any bra outline.


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