Author Topic: Do I have it? (pics included)  (Read 5094 times)

Offline nymets05

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I'm 15 years old. My chest has been like "this" for a little less than 2 years. I'm 5'10" 135 lbs. And I get VERY embarassed to take my shirt off, but I have to endure the emotional pain almost everday. Reason is because I am in wrestling, I love it, but when we have to check weight we have to strip to our underwear, and I feel like crap everytime :(

I am also to embarassed to tell anyone about it, but I wanna look for a surgeon to help me out, but I don't have money for it and I don't know if my insurance will cover it.

Offline Round_1

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yeah you deffinaly have it... the raised arm is a give away. sorry for the bad news.

it doesnt look bad at all when the arms are not raised though, almost looks like pecs but the niples hang low
« Last Edit: November 20, 2005, 08:34:09 PM by Round_1 »
"I've noticed that many people seem to fall into 3 categories; 1) people who have true gyno and have suffered psychological from it.  2) people who suffer from psuedo-gyno (the majority) and suffered"

Offline markashleigh1979

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Sorry....but it's a yes.

But just like the juice said it will hopefully go once your hormones calm down.

Offline **Gynefor**

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Yes, you have it. Unfortunately... :-[ Your situation makes me think of my case because your chest is exactly like mine. I DO understand you and know what you feel when taking off your shirt. And I'm pretty sure that others on this site must have felt this embarrasment one day. When I looked at the first and second pictures for the first time, I said for a few seconds : "NO. It is only muscular". You are quite well-built for your age due to wrestling I imagine ! Good for you !  8) But after a while, considering the other pics, I admitted that I had been too quick. I could reassure you in telling you that your case is not that bad after all. There is worse as you may have seen on this board. Besides, you are "only" 15, and if I were you I would wait a bit before getting surgery. Talk to your doctor about it if you feel like it (after all, why not?) But you're still young and it may grow away over the years to come. I'd have some questions : what do you feel under your nipples ? Is it hard or soft tissue ?
Anyway, I hope that you'll feel better and less alone after having read those comments about your pics. All the very best to you.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2005, 07:04:58 AM by Gynefor »

Offline nymets05

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It feels like soft tissue. And also, if i like, push down on it, I can feel the muscle. And yes, I do feel less alone thanks to you guys.

I mean, I don't let it bother me much. I'm a real happy kid and all, but those times when I have to check weight and the other wrestlers are looking at me strange and stuff. And when I go hang out with groups at pools or beach, etc, and I'm the only one with a shirt on, those are the times that upset me. But besides that I don't really let it be a nuisance. I just hope that it goes away eventually.

Offline gynosucks1

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it wont go away on it's own.

those things are fully developed.

people who have it go away, have a small bud and / or inflamed nipples.. and then it goes away.

sorry man, but i hate to break it to you.   imo surgery is the only thing that's going to fix this.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2005, 11:40:20 AM by gynosucks1 »

Offline nymets05

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Offline gynomore

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Yours looks a lot like mine too.  You have it, the rounding at the bottom (see my photos) is a dead giveaway.

My surgery is in 10 hours.  I am 24.  Many guys wait until their 30s or 40s, but if I had the means, I would do it soon if I were you.  Maybe wait until puberty ends around 17 or 18, but take care of it before college if you can afford it.

Offline nymets05

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I plan to wait it out, hopefully it'll go away, or at least like, reduce and the muscle will just hide it. It started to develop less than 2 years ago, and the doctors say that most cases it takes up to 3 years to go away, so I guess I'll wait. What other choice do I have anyways, it's not like I have the money for it, and from what I hear, most surgeons won't perform this surgery UNTIL the male surpasses the state of puberty. So, yeah...

Thanks a lot guys. You guys have actually helped me out. For example, today I had a wrestling match, and I used to always get embarassed and nervous when I had to take off my shirt, but I thought about you guys and stuff, and how we all suffer from this, and it's not our fault, I mean, there's nothing we can do about it. So, it all went away(all the embarassment, etc.).


Offline nymets05

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And the fact that I'm the 2nd best dude on the team, and I win the majority of my matches. If they make any fun(99% don't, too much respect), I'd kick their asses 8)


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