I'm very happy that some among us are enjoying a robust sex life. In my experience, elevated estrogen that doubtless supports the rounding of my body as well as the development of breasts, has come with a much diminished libido and physical endowment. I understand that enhancers like Viagra can keep the home fires burning. I've never used that so my experience is simply what nature provides. I understand there are many ways to make love with oneself and with one's partner, so reduced testosterone and elevated estrogen that gives us these breasts we're happy to clothe in lovely brassieres, don't put an end to intimacy. Of course, for that to happen there needs to be a willing partner and from reading these threads over time I know that not everyone has a partner AND even those who do, don't necessarily have a WILLING partner. I'm delighted for those whose voluptuous breasts have not been a hindrance to lovemaking and thrilled for those whose breasts are celebrated by their partners.
At the moment, I'm simply enjoying my own breasts. It is a shame I don't have a partner who would enjoy them as much as I do, but such is life.