Author Topic: Small Gyno or just fat?  (Read 3723 times)

Offline Jlo

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Hello all,

Just curious on your thoughts.  I am 56 years old 6'1 230lbs.  I have only fluctuated about 10lbs over the last 10 years.  My right breast is starting to hang a little over the fold (I think)  in the pictures it might be on the left because of the whole selfie thing but it will be obvious.  I had my testosterone level checked and it was 349 ml/dl.  My breasts have always been a little cone shaped but now are becoming more promenent with the right side growing larger and lower in the last year.  I too find myself slouching and rolling my shoulders forward to lessen the appearance while wearing a t-shirt. 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 01:42:15 PM by Jlo »

Offline Rich meier

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just my opinion but looks like gyno. by the way nice jewelry Yeas ago i was pierced there too. just earrings now

Offline Jlo

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Thank you.  I figured if the are going to be subject of attentio. They might as well be stimulated!

Normal boobs1

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It looks like gyno but it depends whether you can feel buds of true breast tissue behind the nipple. That may be difficult to discern in the very early as there will be a little bit of scar tissue associated with your piercings. Also be awarethat there is always a varying fat content to breasts what ever the size.
It matters little in practice. If you are not suffering pain, soreness or discomfort and are not bothered about them being obvious through the shirts you can let them have them their freedom otherwise a bra is it the risk free, cheap and 100% guaranteed route to comfort as many here will attest.
PS. I like the piercings but I will give that a miss and let the wife supply the stimulation. She is always willing:D

Offline Busty

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Female shaped breasts with feminine nipples 

Offline Jlo

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Thank you for the replies.  This is with a heavy pullover

Normal boobs1

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You definitely would look better shape in a bra.
I am even more inclined to say it is definitely gyno 


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There is definitely something going on with your nipples.  If you aren't wearing a bra, you need to test drive one.  It will smooth your nipples out and actually make them less obvious.  I would start with a pullover leisure or low impact sports bra to get used to it, then you can explore underwires and other styles until you find something that works for you.  Once you try it, you won't go back.


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Hi Jlo,

The bad (or maybe good) news is that IMO, I don't think that your breasts will go away without a surgical intervention. If they are bothering you, the best way to deal with them is a bra of some sort. Like Felix mentioned, start off with a pull over bra. A light sports bra is probably a good place to start. 


Offline Busty

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I agree. You need to wear a bra.  Both for appearance and comfort. 

Offline Jlo

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Thank you all.  I am eating good and exercising.  Riding the shit out of the Peloton hoping things will tame down a bit.  Can never hurt to lose a little weight.  I do a lot of walking.  Jogging makes my right breast hurt when it bounces.  I heard a good review for the Rhonda Shear AHH bra with removable pads.  

Offline Rich meier

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Hi , rhonda shear i s very good. I started with them and have about a dozen . but i changed to hook bras because after a shower they are to hard to pull over and weree bunching up. now i just stick with hooks. even after a shower i can still hook and spin and i get a little more support with the sports bras. I now use the hanes g795 and 796 from herroom. Ihope this helps

Offline Jlo

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Thank you.  I will post follow-up when they arrive 

Offline blad

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I find pull over bras also tend to have the band ride up, which reduces their desirability. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline gotgyne

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IMO it's gynecomastia. I'd wear a bra. Btw nice nipple piercing.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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