Full and round. Very nice. And I can see why you would need a good supportive bra like the Safina
Thank you Busty. That's right. They already are sagging a little, but I don't care at my age. For this reason a supportive bra is inevitable. Looking much better with a bra than without.
OMG 😍 yes!!!! Gravity is a b1+(#!!!
My girls have lived in G cups for the last 10 years and I am still grateful every day for my bra and how well they support and shape them.
Sophie, I'm sure that you're very grateful that your mother understood your necessity for a bra, let you try on your sister's old ones and later arranged a fitting for you. Most of the other boys were not so lucky.
I am sad that boys with large breasts often enough are driven by parents or society to get surgery only because old stereotypes are existing. Man = flat chest, woman = visible breasts, the bigger the better. Both should be overcome.
But on the other hand I understand the stigma. My father was very masculine. At age 63 he got pancreatic cancer. At the time of detection he already had liver metastasis. Even today there is not very much you can do at this late stage, but to die within months or very few years. But they tried to prolong his life span with a drug (estramustine phosphate), which was normally used for prostate cancer. It is only used as a palliative treatment for incurable cancer because of metastasis.
One side effect is that more than 80 per cent of the men get gynecomastia. Wikipedia writes: "As a rule, feminization, a gynoid fat distribution, demasculinization, and impotence are said to occur in virtually or nearly 100% of men treated with high-dose estrogen therapy".
He refused taking the drug only for the reason he could develop breasts. I am exactly the opposite. I like my breasts.