Author Topic: OMG, 997!  (Read 2406 times)

Offline nomoretucking

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Wow! What an excellent product! If you haven't bought one yet, stop reading and buy one right now!

I just got it in today (the shipment was lightning quick) and I am extremely impressed with it.  It's so good to finally not have to wear my nasty compression vest that I got after my lipo (I'm having my op done in stages, the first op was lipo done back in October of last year, leaving me with manboobs still, but they are smaller). If you're one of the lucky ones that only suffers from puffy nips, then you're in luck, this thing will work wonders for you. Me, I've got straight up manboobs and a big gut and it fits like a charm. Makes my chest look realistically flat, so don't worry about it not working.

It can be a bitch to put on, and it'll take a day or two to get used to, but anything beats the 4 month old nasty ass compression vest with velcro straps that go over the sholder!!!! I hated wearing that thing with a passion! Now, no more worries! Thank god! Thank Underworks! Thank and you guys for pointing me to them!
First Op- 10/5/05

Offline Zippy211

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Works for the palce that sells them  :)

Offline nomoretucking

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rofl, that's a big fat negative.

just another satisfied customer.

Offline bignipCT

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If you're one of the lucky ones that only suffers from puffy nips, then you're in luck, this thing will work wonders for you.

i have not ordered yet but i thought if you had a case like that the 993 would be just fine for you, an the manboobs was more for the 997?

Offline Allan7865

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i have not ordered yet but i thought if you had a case like that the 993 would be just fine for you, an the manboobs was more for the 997?

I got the "puffy nipples" and ordered 997. I think I could have gotten away with less compresion, but I didnt want to waste time and money on #993 since I wasent sure if it was even good.

I can assure anyone though, that #997 eliminates ANY traces of puffy nipples through a tsirt.

Offline ry22

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I have a 997 and its awesome! Has anyone had any experiance with the 998? It looks good to me I'm thinking about trying one! Heres a link to check it out...

Offline Zippy211

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IF im 18 years old, a mild case of gyno, not too overweight or anything about 165 lbs, what size would i get?

Offline nomoretucking

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small or medium would fit you good.

me, i'm 5'10" and I weigh 248 pounds (down from 275 thank you very much :P) and I have pretty big manBOOBs, not puffy nips. and the garment does wonders in covering it up. i have a "normal" looking chest for a guy my size with the garment on.

and that 998 looks pretty good, but i bet it would be hell to wear in the summer. I'll probably get one of those when I loose some more weight.

i work in a warehouse and i'm constanly moving around and bending over, and the 997 stays (pretty much) put. plus, it keeps me pretty dry considering how sweaty i can get. i just hope i can stay cool come summer time. i live in texas, and i work in a warehouse so it'll be like working in an oven!

i wrote this topic basically as a heads up to anyone that has doubts about this thing. if it's working wonders for my BOOBS then it'll be phenomenal for your puffy nips.

I just wish I knew about these things sooner. I'm going to order another one next paycheck.

Offline bignipCT

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thanks nomoretucking, im still gonna go with the 993 an see how that is first.

Offline Blameless_Culprit

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I oredered a 998 Sunday, and I'm excited for it to arrive. I hoped I'd have it for school this week...but week will be ok too (none friday). We ordered 3, and they still haven't gotten here...

I'll tell yall how it feels and the like.

Offline problem man

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chest -> 38-39, waist -> 36, please suggest a correct size of underworks 997. i will be ordering 3 of them...i don't want to order the wrong size, so please help me...btw i have a bad case of gynecomastia
« Last Edit: February 04, 2006, 12:24:08 AM by jimbo2k4 »


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