Author Topic: Normal Tests?  (Read 1787 times)

Offline blahblahblah

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  • Op done on the 1st of March 2006

I am getting my op on wed in Goa (well should be) and i am currently in mumbai and i was sent out to have the following tests done:

1. CBC
2. Kidney function tests
3. Liver function tests
4. Serum electrolytes
5. Lipid Profile
7. Fasting Blood sugar
8. HIV, HBsAg, HCV
9. ECG
10. 2 D ECHO
11. Chest X- ray PA view
12. Pulmonary function tests

Are these all normal tests? As he said he has the results and they are all fine so he has me in on wednesday (well tuesday night for wed op). I only have one last thing to do and thats get have my first trail fitting of my compression version, it works out at a double to even triple XL top!! So i was also wondering how much do people normally pay for this? As i have gone private and the vest should be bout 60 quid though made for me and 100 pounds for all the tests.


Offline Hypo-is-here

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You should have hormonal testing before any surgical procedure.

Testosterone and or free testosterone

It would also be useful to include TSH and maybe even DHT.

The tests that you have had so far ensure you are a safe candidate for surgery but they have NOT fully covered all the possible causes for the gynecomastia and ruled out certain possible underlying conditions.

You need hormonal testing to rule out hormonal issues that could cause the gynecomastia to re-develop post surgery.  If not and you are one of a significant minority of men who has a hormonal problem the surgery could be a waste of time.

Many men who have hormonal problems can have successful surgery once diagnosed and treated.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2006, 02:08:57 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline blahblahblah

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Firstly thanks i would have not have thought of this and i think this is only the information you can get while speaking to follow / ex follow suffers.

I have emailed him to see what it is though he did state that mine was miled though the fatty tissue was large and it was mainly lipo so i will have to see what he says!



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