Author Topic: Here is my case, and I have some very important ??  (Read 1807 times)

Offline Lazerous

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Hello everybody, here is a little background info on me, Im 17 205lbs, around 5'11". I believe my ideal weight is around 170lbs, I was 214 but I recently started a diet and am now down to 205.

Im almost sure I have gyno but want your opinions. My left breast is larger than my right one and obviously is more noticable, eventhough my right chest is almost not noticable at all when I am wearing a shirt which is weird.  
I have felt my nipps and there are NO hard lumps of any sort throughout out my breast, it feels the same all around and under my nipps it actually feels, how owuld I say this.....'empty' lol, but ya I as you guys can tell my nips dont puff out or anything of that sort, and my breast feels the same as my fat stomach (which I plan to get rid of on my diet  )

Since I am still young for surgery and dont have any money for it anyway. And I actually would rather get rid of as much of my chest size by excersise and diet rather than surgery. SO I was wondering what is best excersise that I can do?

Also I have been on these forums before and I remember that there are are certain foods that can increase gyne, but I forgot what they are, so can somebody tell me?

Also what is the best place to get a compression vest/shirt until I get my weight down and loose some chest fat?? Also what is the best size for the shirt/vest considering my height and weight?

What are the best work outs? I have worked out  A LOT before, so I know all the workout names, but the problem is that I am always on and off so that is why you guys see no real results on my body, but I plan to start and be consistent with it this time

Also I heard that there are some pills or 'creams' that can reduce the size, I was wondering which is the best, money isnt too big of a factor, just anything that works!!!

Here are the pics as of TODAY!!!

Offline notanymore

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Exercise alone is not gonna solve your problem, although most docs ask that you be in your best shape and a weight and muscle ratio that can/will be maintained.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The breast area is a perfectly normal place for fat to deposit.  It is also normal for the breasts to be of differing size. Just as you probably have one eye that is slightly larger than the other. Ditto ears etc.

Get the weight under control first. Even if you do have some gland growth, You are young enough to have a good outcome without surgery.

Good luck.
Grandpa Dan


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