Author Topic: GP said Gyne is very common....  (Read 3706 times)

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Had my anual physical today with my GP and mentioned to him that I had gynecomastic surgery a little over a year ago. My doc said that Dr. Fielding did an awesome job.

I've always wondered why not one doctor that I have ever seen had mentioned the fact that I had breasts. I asked my GP how common gynecomastia is. He said that it is very common! Therefore GP's must see it as being normal. I guess that's why nobody had ever questioned my gyne. However, now (last 20 years) that there is a proceedure to remove/reduce gynecomastia, I'm not happy with the fact that my GP never mentioned that I could have the condition surgically corrected. I wasn't even asked if my moobs bothered me.  >:(

« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 05:39:36 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Allan7865

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I find it hard to belive that Gyne is very common when your the only guy on the beach that dosent want to take off his shirt. Or when your the only guy in the mall who has to keep re-adjusting his T-Shirt.

Offline carguy

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Ya i hate that. My doc couldve saved me years of hell if he had told me. I remember gettting my physical to play football and he said it was nothing and it would go away. Didnt tell me the name either. I ended up not even trying out. :-[

Offline tsjas

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My doctor said that the same thing to me. But I think that doctors say this so that the patients don't feel bad. And it also depend on the level of gyne. Small level of gyne is common but I think that most of us suufer from moderate to severe case of gynecomastia.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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My doctor said that the same thing to me. But I think that doctors say this so that the patients don't feel bad.

This may be true in some cases. However, in my case, I no longer have gynecomastia. My GP had no reason to make a false statement just to spare my 'feelings'. He has no reason to lie.


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I find it hard to belive that Gyne is very common when your the only guy on the beach that dosent want to take off his shirt.

The reason why you seem to be the only guy on the beach that doesn't want to take his shirt off is that 99.9% of guys with gyne do not go to the beach! Most gyne sufferers avoid the beach like the plaque. This is a well known fact....  I have been to the beach only a few times in 32 years :-/. And.... of those few times that I did go to the beach and removed my shirt, I was absolutely petrified! Those 'WTF?' looks that everyone gave me, made me 'feel' like a freak. Not a pleasant feeling....      :-[


« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 05:53:57 PM by Bambu »

Offline NewLifeStartsMay4th

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Surgery may 4th Dr. Metzner New Orleans

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You've got that right Dude!


Offline Paa_Paw

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A few months back a young man mentioned in his very first post that his GP had asked him if his Gynecomastia caused him any problems. The truth was that it had not caused any problem until the Doctor called attention to it and gave it a name. Now the lad is obsessive about it.

I think that, in the case of that young man, the Doctor created a problem where none had previously existed.

Having been a military medic, I can tell you that it is so common that it does in fact go unnoticed very often. Even when it is observed, it is usually not mentioned for precisely the reason given above.

Perhaps it is time for those of us who have at least some breast tissue to start teasing those who lack it. We are in the majority after all.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Worrier

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The fact is gyno is very common. Your GP is right. And why should a GP point it out if a man is having no other medical problems.? esp a young man who may well be body concious as it is at that age and the GP may make him even more self concious as paw paw said.

I do think however that if any man brings it up as a concern the GP should take it seriously .And not just say 'lose weight' or 'it's normal forget about it' as I have heard have been some responses from some GP's as it can seriously effect some men psychologcally. Fortunately for me when I brought it up  the doctors were good about it.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 11:01:18 PM by Worrier »

Offline Worrier

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How true!!

Do you think that the reason this is becomming a bigger problem now is because the media portyays men as being abnormal is we don't have a 6 pack, and a chisled chest? You hear it on the news all the time, about these models so thin and so beautifull, it gives girls false expectations of how they should look.

I remember my first moobs experience when I was about 9, and a neighbor squeezed my chest, and said "Well aren't they cute"
I also remember being being ABOUT 12 or 13 when my pediatrician asked me if I wanted them removed. He must have known that puberty wouldn't help these fun bags I was carrying.

Image is now important for men as well as women now. The other day I was watching a show on telly about this girl (only 20 or so) who was overweight, not hugely but obviously not the ideal. She was so concerned about being fat that she wanted a nine thousand pound stomach band op so she could lose weight easier.

        She could not stand how she looked to the extent that she was trying to get a loan anywhere for the surgery. Because she was only a nursery nurse and earnt 12k a year she was having difficulties finding a lender. I felt really sorry for her as even if she got the loan how long would it take to pay that back on her salary?

The media does have a lot to answer for. The average man does not look like what they portray. And this whole 'man boobs ' thing seems to have been adopted by them. The term 'man boobs' is quite innacurate ,There are some powerlifters at the gym who you could say have boobs or even some body builders. If you wanted to be hyper critical. I don't know hardly any men after the age of say 25 who have completely flat chests. In my area anyway.


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