Author Topic: U think u got Big breasts? I'm a 36C/D Cup  (Read 21150 times)

Offline DallasTranny

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Hey gang. I'm new to this forum, actually its my 2nd post here. Like the title says, if you think your big, try walking around with shapely feminine 36C's. I have people ask me all the time if I had breast implants thats how big they are.

I have had a female friend give me a "breast fitting" to determine exactally what size I am cos I was curious. My friend is a 36C/D herself and has bras in both sizes. Amazingly her bras fit me. I have alot of lower back pain like a real woman does. So I opt to wear a bra everyday to help hold them in place, keep them from bouncing around, sagging and hurting from the weight of them.  

Heres pics of me and my Gyno:

Click on the picture to see the entire album

I've had my breasts since I was 9 Years old. I started developing them before girls in my class did. Life was a terror with horrible female breasts. But something I knew was different about me than other guys. I never felt like a guy. Having breasts for me was natural and I didn't mind having them - despite the ragging, and wanting to commit suicide when I was 10 years old, and trying to commit suicide 3 times when I was 18 years old.  

Despite all the ridicule I've endured, I have been happy somehow with my body. You people wouldn't understand me or my transsexual lifestyle. I have a very feminine face for a man. But at least I have an understanding of what happened to me when I was born. I was born with "undescended testicles" and Klinefelter's Syndrom. Klinefelter's Syndrome is where your born with 2 "X" chromosomes instead of one making you more female, if not female. I am sterile due to that. Anyway with that, my body never produced too much testosterone. So I've always had more Estrogen than testosterone in my body. To be exact, my ratio of estrogen to testosterone is the ratio of a woman.  

It gave me female charactetistics, breasts, hips and a plump but, and a very very small, well, take a guess. That part of me stopped developing when I was 10. It never got any bigger. Yes, life was a nightmare, but I am making the best of it.  

I am actually trying to get my breast bigger by taking female hormones (estrogen and antiandrogens). If you are wondering why I am here at this site on this forum, if I like my breasts the way theu are, I was surfing the net to see if there are other men out there with breast as big as mine. Sadly there isn't. Only a few other transgendered people have them as big as mine, realized that they are women and had a sex change. I am hopping that I can get to be a 36 DD or 38 DDD naturally. Thats my goal. If not, I will have breat implants to achieve my goal and augment what hormones could not bring me to.

So go ahead and rip me apart for you homopobes out there, you can't tell me anything or call me anything that I haven't already heard. I am a very attractive guy and a very attractive woman. I guess I have the best of both worlds I suppose. Also guys believe it or not, I know alot of women who dont mind breast on a guy, esp. if they are bisexual. Trust me, it's not all that bad of a thing.  

I guess I am a extreme case of Gyno and hormones gone wrong. But once I have sex reassignment surgery or SRS(sex change), I will have that thing between my legs gone, and feel like the person that I am in my head, and appear to be on the outside.

I even tried bodybuilding to prove to myself I was a guy. Bad mistake.

And if you want to do something to help "the look" of your breasts under a shirt, you can flatten them very easilly with a sports bra, and it will only look like a undershirt under your shirt. No on will ever think likewise that your wearing a sportsbra. I've been wearing a sports bra since I was 13 years old and I am now 31. I just never changed in the locker room in school...I changed in the bathroom... just in case your going to ask how did I get away with wearing it in school.

Anyway, Ciao

« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 03:23:41 PM by DallasTranny »

Offline DallasTranny

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im sure how I can help yall except tell you that sports bras are great ! LOL

PS Billy, did you see my pics? What do you think of me and what do you think of my breasts? Feminine eh?

I wish everyone could love their body, but I understand that if your a guy you might not like having breasts

« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 04:22:32 PM by DallasTranny »

Offline Puff_daddy

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this is not the right place for you. is now unchill. sorry to offend but its how i feel about trannies coming on a post where DUDES are straight (for the most part) and dont like having fem characteristics.
Ripped With NIPS

Offline DallasTranny

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I''l say this and leave it at this. After reading this board for a few months b4 deciding to post, there are alot of um, lets say, "un-straight"guys here.

Offline tsjas

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I agree with Puff_daddy. This is not the right place for this type of stuff. This place is moslty about straight guys trying to deal with gynecomastia. I appreciate your perspective but I don't see what will be accomplished by it on this site.

Offline manic91m9

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i personaly find it interseting that a transexual posted and is interesting from a medical point of view as well as psycological. thankyou for sharing your story dallas. while your contribution to this site may not be the same as others on this site im sure you will provide a unique point of view which others may not agree with but does have merit.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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  • Unsuccessful Lipo...Excision Revision..still Puffy
this is not the right place for you. is now unchill. sorry to offend but its how i feel about trannies coming on a post where DUDES are straight (for the most part) and dont like having fem characteristics.

8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline rocketrob

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 ;D  Gruff.... you furgen ROCK!

Offline Puff_daddy

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here i sit drinking a beer and eating some beef jerkey. i love being a guy!

Offline MasterlessMan

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Other men on this site appreciate their breasts (Not me, but I know there are others).   I don't see how this is any different from the others, besides the fact he's transsexual.  I think it's close minded to tell him he can't post because he offers a viewpoint that may differ from yours.

Offline DallasTranny

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To MasterlesMan, I appreciate your way of thinking. I love people who are new to difference. Most people are absolute narrowminded people who have no life. Things have to be a certain way, or no way. Most people are so narrowminded, they cant see through a keyhole.

Nuff said.


PS, I have to modify this post and add this:

Alot of men dont mind their gyno and actually like them. Many are Bi, Crossdressers, CD, etc. HOWEVER..... Many of them are to embarrased to admit it.

Thats All, I'm sitting here at the Atlanta airport on a layover waiting to go to Paris in the morning.


« Last Edit: June 24, 2006, 09:51:53 PM by DallasTranny »

Offline hiufung88319

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Crazy,you don't want to become a man?
I promise when the gyne problem fixed,i will try my best on everything.I will study hard and become Sith Lord ;)

Offline Worrier

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Crazy,you don't want to become a man?

hiufung I like you ;D ;D

Offline AUSTIN

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Dalastranny, thank you for ur post. I think u should post as I believe a personal expierience such as urs helps us all expose all the issues surrounding gyn. So far, ur choice was to live with it, despite from ur post, I feel that u hate them, and obviously u've explored this direction to a great extent, but my question is, have u explored the other way, ie. loosing them, again it seems u've but like us all in the first way ur mind can think of, diet, body building all this nonsence. Guess we all tried that and we all failed, otherwise we wouldn't be here, we are all here coz we're thinking of the surgery alternative.

Its embaressing to go in public and say I've big breasts and definately posting these pics probably took some courage. Let me tell u this, my breasts are as big as urs. I wear tight upper underwear to keep them as small as possible, with little success.

Yes, I've been looking around, and sometimes I looked at posts here and wondered the same question "do u really think u've big breasts" , its all relative to the size, so if someone who has some puffiness thinks he has a problem, u and I have a problem x 100.

I've seen one of ur pic, I'm no one to tell u what to do, but I'll tell u what I think and my personal advice u can take or not, ur not a woman, ur definately not an attractive one, ur a man obviously, try the surgery and stop taking female hormons.

For myself, I've lived 34 years of my life thinking that I'm fat and the way to loose those things is through diet, in Sept. 2005 I discovered this website and discovered that what I've is actually an Illness, and to my surprise, I read somewhere that 3 out of 5 men have it !!!!!
Immediately I chose to go through surgery, booked an appointment with the plastic surgeon and finally got the surgery booked for mid of July 2006.

One final thing to tell u and tell those with the same size, the PS told me that I will have a relatively bigger scar which will be covered in a way by chest hair, its very much worth it to me.

I petty u and petty my self and anyone who has a problem of this size, it affects our lifes and maybe the negative effect can reach an ir-repreable stage, don't let urself slide that far, don't live with them, u've a choice now. Again, just my opinion.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 09:30:35 AM by AUSTIN »

Offline Danosaur

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We should hook up this him? with that allen_angel guy


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