Author Topic: Newbie, taking comfort from these boards  (Read 3897 times)

Offline bfg2000

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Hi all, just found these boards and they have mademe feel alot better about myself.

I'm 33, 6ft1, 14.5st and like others have had my pups since about 13 or 14. From being told that it was puppy fat, and going thru my teens refusing to bare flesh on holidays, to putting on loads of weight topping at 18st about 5-6 years ago.

Took up running, and thankfully this has helped my weight significantly, dropping nearly 4 stones.

When your a fatty, you expect to have b*tch t*ts, but now the weight has dropped, they are still very apparent. I find myself these days looking in almost every mirror and reflection in windows - its really effecting my confidence and self esteem. I can handle being a stone overweight with a bit of a tum, but I cant stand these things anymore.

Been meaning to go to the GP for ages but always put it off, and this week being on holiday strangely enough, found these boards. After looking through i've already booked into see my GP once I get back, and also gonna take a consultation with Mr Levick - it seems the right route to go.

I'm holding my hopes that I DO have this condition and its not simply fat because I'm still overweight.

Thanks guys for all of your posts, it makes you realise that i'm not alone, and that something can be done.

To be continued...

Offline phantom

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Hello bfg2000

Welcome aboard to what could be an interesting journey for you over the coming months.

It seems that you have read enough of this forum to know the general process!  I'd hold back seeing Levick until you've got the GP side of things sorted.  You might be referred to and endocrinologist or urologist.  This from start to finish could take up to three months.  Whilst Mr Levick 'is the man' for most on here (as he was/is for me), I always recommend seeing at least one other reputable surgeon, if not three and see which one you feel most comfortable/confident with.

Anyways, you know where to come if you have any questions.

Best wishes.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 12:50:29 PM by phantom »

Offline IT100

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Just a thought.... But gyne or no gyne. If you are unhappy enough with them to consider getting surgery. then why not get it anyway? In some ways maybe you should hope it is just fat. Then all you need is some lypo.. which will probably be much cheaper! Having had surgery myself, It's definatly worth getting something sorted out thats making you that unhappy. Be it a nose job, tummy tuck, or butt lift... lol


Offline irish_dude

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Hi all, just found these boards and they have mademe feel alot better about myself.


Been there, bought the (black oversized XXL) tee-shirt.

I'm around the same age as you and had surgery last year (my diaries are in the diary section here).

The biggest surprise for me was the relief in admitting that I had a problem in the first place. My first post here was a revelation. I guess it's like an alcoholic standing up at an AA meeting and declaring to an anonymous body of fellow-travellers that he's got a problem.

That in itself was the biggest hurdle for me. Once I'd cleared that particular hurdle and stripped off all the emotional baggage I could get down to pragmatically sorting out my problem thanks to the good people here.

Offline bfg2000

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Ok, so I took the plunge and went to see my GP, a nice lady. Told her about being overweight since teenager and having a pronounced chest from about 12. Told her I've been really self concious ever since, never taking of shirt on beach, not feeling "normal" because of my chest, always looking in a mirror/window reflection. Lost nearly 4stone in 3 years. Took my shirt off and she said.....ok, so what's the problem - you look normal and haven't got gynae.

Suggested that I could lose a little more weight, which I agree with, and to take up targetted chest gym work.

Felt ok about it, and my wife said, told you so!

Then a few days later, had some pics taken for work and oh my god, my b*tch t*ts are VERY obvious, at least to me. And tonight in the gym, my t-shirt hangs from my nips - again in my opinion.

So i've booked to see Mr Levick on 31st for a consultation, which is now £100, but i'm not bothered about the cash.

I'll try to post an image for you guys to comment on.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 12:46:01 PM by bfg2000 »

Offline lopher

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O.K I saw your first post before you visited your GP. I was about to say, take everything they tell you with a pinch of salt, don't let them put you off getting the problem sorted.

Gp's are pretty disasterous in diagnosing gyne. It seems they love to tell guys with breasts their perfectly normal. Especially the women Dr's. It's a joke. I think their so scared your going to end up wanting to dip into the NHS coffers for surgery - you could walk in with a pair of Pamela Andersons and they'd say 'I'm sorry I can't see anything, looks perfectly normal to me'.

OK best advice. You seem happy to go private, and I totally reccomend it. NHS ops (and i'm speaking from experience here) are not great. Push the NHS to give you a full blood work analysis, and don't take no for an answer, then go private for your surgery. It's not that the NHS surgeons lack the ability, it just seems their mandate on elective surgery is way too conservative, and really they just tend to go for a 'reduction', rather than a solution. Note to anyone who wants to argue with this, (ie phantom) don't bother unless you've been through the NHS route, then you'll fully understand what I mean.

OK so go the surgery. Get yourself in the best shape possible pre-op, ITS WELL WORTH IT. YOU WILL GET MUCH BETTER SURGICAL RESULTS IF YOU DROP THE BODYFAT.

Point number 2. DO heavy weight training as well as the cardio and try and build as much muscle as possible as well as losing fat. This way your skin will have less of a stretch to it, again giving yourself much better chances of having nice tight skin post op.

I was a little bit of a porker once. I replaced the fat with muscle, then went in for surgery. Nothing looks worse than saggy skin. You can check out my post op pics here. I looked like sh!t right up until the op, but I didn't let it put me off because I was looking at the long term goal. Anyway judge for yourself:

I looked stupid right up until the op with a set of jiggling boobies, but you have to stay focused and not let them put you off. Lipo in the right surgical hands is AMAZING.

Success comes down to hard graft. Not eating pork pies and watching TV. If you want it bad enough, it's yours.
Huge amounts of protein 5 times a day, with veggies and fruit. Plus five 30 minute heavy weight workouts a week. Forget hours on a treadmill. 3 - 5 minutes of seriously intense cardio at the end of each weight workout works absolute wonders. You'll never ever see a fat sprinter, even the amateurs. But you'll see a million podgy long distance runners with pea size arms. There's a very sound scientific reason for this, but I wont take up anymore of your time explaining unless you ask,

Oh and those photo's of me were taken about 4 weeks post op after lazing around doing nothing for a month. I look a hell of a lot better now i'm back into my training regime.

Throw any negative defeatist bullsh!t in the bin, and just do it.

Book your surgery for 6 months in advance, knowing it's coming is a HUGE incentive to work your arse off,  then get in the gym and make it happen.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 09:55:11 PM by lopher »

Offline Worrier

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O.K I saw your first post before you visited your GP. I was about to say, take everything they tell you with a pinch of salt, don't let them put you off getting the problem sorted.

Gp's are pretty disasterous in diagnosing gyne. It seems they love to tell guys with breasts their perfectly normal. Especially the women Dr's. It's a joke. I think their so scared your going to end up wanting to dip into the NHS coffers for surgery - you could walk in with a pair of Pamela Andersons and they'd say 'I'm sorry I can't see anything, looks perfectly normal to me'.

OK best advice. You seem happy to go private, and I totally reccomend it. NHS ops (and i'm speaking from experience here) are not great. Push the NHS to give you a full blood work analysis, and don't take no for an answer, then go private for your surgery. It's not that the NHS surgeons lack the ability, it just seems their mandate on elective surgery is way too conservative, and really they just tend to go for a 'reduction', rather than a solution. Note to anyone who wants to argue with this, (ie phantom) don't bother unless you've been through the NHS route, then you'll fully understand what I mean.

OK so go the surgery. Get yourself in the best shape possible pre-op, ITS WELL WORTH IT. YOU WILL GET MUCH BETTER SURGICAL RESULTS IF YOU DROP THE BODYFAT.

Point number 2. DO heavy weight training as well as the cardio and try and build as much muscle as possible as well as losing fat. This way your skin will have less of a stretch to it, again giving yourself much better chances of having nice tight skin post op.

I was a little bit of a porker once. I replaced the fat with muscle, then went in for surgery. Nothing looks worse than saggy skin. You can check out my post op pics here. I looked like sh!t right up until the op, but I didn't let it put me off because I was looking at the long term goal. Anyway judge for yourself:

I looked stupid right up until the op with a set of jiggling boobies, but you have to stay focused and not let them put you off. Lipo in the right surgical hands is AMAZING.

Success comes down to hard graft. Not eating pork pies and watching TV. If you want it bad enough, it's yours.
Huge amounts of protein 5 times a day, with veggies and fruit. Plus five 30 minute heavy weight workouts a week. Forget hours on a treadmill. 3 - 5 minutes of seriously intense cardio at the end of each weight workout works absolute wonders. You'll never ever see a fat sprinter, even the amateurs. But you'll see a million podgy long distance runners with pea size arms. There's a very sound scientific reason for this, but I wont take up anymore of your time explaining unless you ask,

Oh and those photo's of me were taken about 4 weeks post op after lazing around doing nothing for a month. I look a hell of a lot better now i'm back into my training regime.

Throw any negative defeatist bullsh!t in the bin, and just do it.

Book your surgery for 6 months in advance, knowing it's coming is a HUGE incentive to work your arse off,  then get in the gym and make it happen.


lol I never had such a laugh reading your posts , please post again, I sometimes wonder if there is a tube attached from your arse to your typing hands ;D. First of all, GP's in the main are more than capable of diagnosing Gynecomastia.To assert that GP's are uncaring or ignorant towards an embarrasiing condition that their paitients suffer is frankly an insult to them and fu*king stupid. IF you have a mong for a doctor see another one in the Practice. I don't know about anyone else but I never see my regular GP anyways.

Oh and your comment on women doctors  ;D ;D....I say again please keep posting comedy gold.You think women can't tell what a normal male chest looks like? you think a woman would not emphasise with a man concerned with his appearance.?If we are basing this on opinions or heresay , I have seen an older female GP who was interested and sympathetic about my case ..I think the gender of doctors who don't give a f*ck is pretty equal.  

BFG I would definately get your weight down before considering surgery. I was overweight myself and  my problem reduced hugely and I don't need surgery now. Although I have a slight difference in nipple size which is still slightly bothersome . A PS right now will see a big f*ck off pound sign when he sees you. Sometimes when people lose the weight there is still a problem and if that is the case then surgery is always there as an option.

oh and Lopher this 3-5 mins cardio thing , If I  was  you I'd just run as fast as you can on the spot son. . come on admit it you don't like running do you ;D. But Iam sure you have some 'science' you can pull out to show how right you are (it isn't from muscle and fiction is it? please lol) .

Oh and eating five times a day , sure I do  something similar but  I need to train in a certain way but you think the average joe bloggs will stick to that without raiding the fridge?  who just needs to get the pounds off and tone up?He just needs to  get a sensible gym programme from his local gym,I believe GP's offer referals actually , and cut the shi*te out of his diet and stick to itIt's not rocket science.     

« Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 01:27:01 AM by Worrier »

Offline webster

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Hi BFG, I don't think I've seen such a good long term series of comparable photos as yours. Shows the weight / gyno thing good.

Anyway IMO what gyno U have looks pretty proportional and not bad at your current weight. I bet if you were 12.5 st you prolly wouldnt need any surgery.

Easier said than done though.

Personally I am similar height to U an dropped from 17.5 / 18 st over the last year to 13.5 st now. I think ideally I'd be about 12 st but it does seem to be harder to loose weight the lighter U get. Plus surgery largely got rid of my gyno so the total motivation I had b4 has evaporated slightly.

That is why if U are set on surgery I agree with Lopher that U might as well book it for say Nov / Dec and spend the intervening summertime on training / diet. I found the pyscho effects of having a op date gave me super determination for fitness. You can always cancel op if you don't need it, but you'll know one way or another ur t*ts will be history.

I wus cycling shirtless yesterday and felt good about my physique and as I wus going along I remembered that only a year ago I would have been wearing 2 shirts and tracksuit to cover up. I felt thankful release and happy too...

Good luck. Webster.

Offline Ffurg

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Jesus worrier that was pretty un called for.

Most guys who are overweight find when they lose the fat the breasts remain. However of course this is not always the case, which is why I suggested he book his surgery for 6 months time.

If he finds the weight loss 'cures' the breasts then great, he can just cancel the op. And having a date set for surgery in the future is a great incentive to get in shape.

As for GP's and diagnosing gyne. Well I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. I'm sure there will be a lot of people out there who have had unsympathetic responses from their local Gp's. And I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if the unsympathetic 'that's totally normal' responses outweigh the 'oh yes there's definately some breast development there, lets get that sorted out for you'.

As for training methods, short intense bursts of exercise such as sprinting cause a metabolism rise that lasts for several hours after the exercise is over. This is a proven fact, google it if you don't believe me. The problem with slow 30 - 40 minute plods on a treadmill, is that your bodies metabolism goes back to it's normal BMR extremely quickly.

And the bottom line is this, we all have differences of opinions, there's no need to be a complete a-hole if you disagree with someone. I used to make a living from personal training and i've had the privelidge of working with some extremely knowledgeable people. I was just trying to pass on some helpfull advice.


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Jesus do I really need to post my CV here?

My degree was in sports science. I funded my university through working as a personal trainer, albeit a few years ago. After graduating I had had enough of working in gym's. It' gets kind of boring after a while.

Anyway after having my first op on the NHS for gyne it was a passable job. And finally I was able to go shirtless. So I decided some travelling and beach hopping was long overdue. A very long story involving meeting a New Zealand girl in Bali who had hit upon the easiest work in the world involving teaching english to kindy kids in Taiwan, for more money and less hours than most people in the UK could ever dream of. So off I went with her and have been ever since.

Now despite the fact that Taiwan is a borderline 3rd world country, it's got a booming electronics economy and is becoming very wealthy. They invest a lot in their health system and it puts the UK's NHS to absolute shame. So I had my second gyne op here to fix what the NHS job didn't finish.

My waiting list was 8 days and I was given the option of either having a standard PS for free, or paying an extra 200 pounds to contract in the top PS from Taipei. Obviously I went for option 2.

Ffurg is Gruff backwards, which was my username for about 3 years. Until I asked Merle some questions he didn't like...

Then he started talking about his book in a recent thread and mentioned his upcoming surgery. I wished him all the best in his second surgery and that was basically it. But then he fired straight back with some pretty inflamatory crap about not enough people buying his book, so I told him to ease up a bit... and username lopher got deleted too!

And yeah I used to be pretty harsh to people who talked crap. But now I have the body of a god  8) (joking) I'm a lot more chilled out these days!

Anyway, I don't want to argue with anyone, I have a fair bit of knowledge of gyne and exercise and really i'm just here to help anyone who would like a little advice, so why don't we quit the flame wars and all be friends?

Oh and if anyone wants an alternative to the Polish option I would be more than happy to pass on the details of my PS if anyone fancies a vacation to Asia. I can also help with a place to stay and how to apply for the ROC government health card so the surgery will cost you 200 pounds instread of around 3000 pounds (if you just turned up here wanting surgery)

« Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 10:32:57 PM by Ffurg »

Offline Worrier

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Yo lopher aka gruff aka ffurg. Your confusing yourself. Careful who your logging in as and what alter ego your gonna play with. You got more personalities then john wayne gacy  :P One min your a trainer, the next a teacher, what next a certified brain surgeon lol. This is funny. You've been banned so many times now you dnt know who you are. Oh and in regards to worrier and his reply to 'lophers' remark you reply as 'ffurg' saying there's no need to be an a hole, be mean blah de blah when you post on another thread dissing out others (hypo) calling people this and that. Classic mate, simply classic. Your nowt but an hypocritical douche bag  ;D

Ah 'a small measure of peace' , you saw through why I posted like i did .  ;DI  knew who it was I just wanted to have a bit of fun with 'Gruff' aka 'lopher' aka 'ffurg' . . ;D.How's your chest doing anyways 'a small measure of peace' ? I hope you're happy with the result.

Oh and Gruff if that style of cardio works for you fine. But everyone responds to exercise differently and has different needs . In  BFG's case 3-5 mins of intense cardio for example would be I feel a mistake. Due to his fitness lvl at the moment, we want him to stick with this.  A weight loss programme needs to be realistic and be tailor made for him taking into account his fitness lvl and goals.Thats why I feel he should get a consultation with a personal trainer at his local gym. As well as look at his diet and make some changes. If he has not done that already.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 07:54:35 AM by Worrier »

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Your body is most probably taking time to heal. Surgery is quite tramatic on the body so it's time I reckon.

I have one slight puffy nip myself and I find my chest hair camouflages it around the nips so you have to look real close to see a difference. So if all else fails just stick a bit of hari over the nips.  ;D

Nah I'm sure you'll be fine. Honeymonster! ;D

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Can someone help me think up a new username  ;)

After this post, I have the feeling 'Ffurg' will be banned too  :-X;action=display;num=1153276379;start=0#9



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