Finding this website finally gave me the courage to face this problem. Im 18, about 5'8 180lbs. being a chubby kid growing up, ive always had extra fat on my chest. I started getting self conscious going into my early teens and i always felt like crap about the problem. about a year and a half ago, i signed up to the gym by my house, eager to once and for all get rid of the fat(or so i thought) well a year and a half later i have really bulked up in muscle from going to the gym and bench pressing but still noticed the fat had all shifted down to the bottom of my chest. I can wear tight shits and it will still look good but i cringe when i get up in the morning and look in the mirror. i tried confronting my dad about about the gyn(i think) and he just kinda laughed at me and told me i was being ridiculous. I live in NYC and im sure there are plenty of good physicans around who can take care of this and i want to do it as soon as possible. it will be a big factor in rasing my self esteem, which is by no means low but definatly hindered due to this embarrasment. on the other hand,I wouldent wanna make my parents spend a few 1000 dollars on an operation for something they deem unessesary. Im trying to think of what to do. I think this condition has lead me to do compulsive things like doing numerous sets of push ups at random times of the day, where i feel like i HAVE TO do it but i know in reality it will not make the fat go away. Its kinda weird but its good to have a website like this where i can share my experience and read others who have faced similar stuff.