Author Topic: My Story-19th July Surgery  (Read 2844 times)

Offline student_86

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  • Gyne removed by Levick 19/07/06
Now only time will tell whether or not I have made the right decision to undergo surgery.

I developed Gynecomastia in my teens. It wasn’t through steroids or hair regrowth products. From the ages of 13-18 I was, to put it bluntly, pretty fat. However with many guys in their teens gynecomastia disappears after a while as hormones balance out. It used to bug me a bit but I could cope with it. It wasn’t till I finished 6th form and started uni that I dropped a lot of weight and girls became more of an issue. (Unfortunately I went to an all boys school and being quite big I never really tried it on with the ladies added to the fact I’m shy). But when I started uni I had already dropped 2 stone over the summer which made a big difference and by November I was down 4stone from when I ended 6th form. I was chuffed. Being at uni and having a few drinks I gained a lot more confidence than I had had previously. I was pulling plenty of girls and getting numbers but I always pulled away and made my excuses. The real reason, not because I’m gay, but this dreaded Gynecomastia. Since losing the weight it became more prominent. I haven’t been swimming in England in years, I’m getting bad posture from hunching over and I am very conscious of the t-shirts I buy, not to mention how long it takes for me to feel comfortable enough to be intimate with someone.

So enough was enough. Then I saw that documentary on channel4 and became aware of this website. To be honest before I saw it I didn’t even think of correction surgery. It still took me a good two three years to pluck up the courage to do anything. I’d tell my mum and dad but my mum would laugh it off and say I had no issue but my dad was more understanding and said that he would have done something if he knew about it when he was younger and regrets not acting on it (It must be hereditary). So after a long time talking it was time to start walking. I booked a consultation in secret but in the morning of the day I caved and told my mum who wasn’t happy with my decision, but it was MY decision so I went anyway. Dr Levick was his name, I’m sure some of you have heard of him lol. So I trekked up to Birmingham from London and had my £80 consultation where he made me feel very comfortable and relaxed explaining everything and answering any questions I had. I didn’t want my friends to know of the surgery and conveniently they have gone on a 2 week holiday so I booked my surgery for the 19th July. It’s funny, My mother disagreed with what I was doing yet she is the only one who knows what im doing. My mum and dad split not long ago so I live with my mum nan brother and sis. Love my dad to bits but he cant keep a secret and I don’t want people knowing too much. I booked a week and a half off work telling them I was having muscle surgery from an old racket sport injury (like tennis badmington).

So the 19th has come around and gone. I woke up at 7.30 got prepared and jumped on the tube and train up to Birmingham. I decided to walk this time from New street station to the priory. Big mistake, it was the hottest day in Birmingham’s history and I was carrying a bag with all my stuff for half hour. Needless to say I was sweating like a beast when I arrived. Got to the reception and they instructed me to see the admin lady who took payment with my debit card. I had to get authorisation which was a little nerve inducing as I couldn’t remember my security password. All went ok in the end and I was lead to suite Aston 7 I think it was. Within 30mins I had seen Dr Levick, a nurse (very hot might I add) and Dr Woods (stand in anaesthesiologist). Another half hour and I was ready to be knocked out. Levick took some snaps of my curvaceous boobs which hopefully I have now seen the back of. Then woods came in and took me through the whole process of going under. A little scratch and a tingly feeling and I was away with the fairies. Apparently the Op took about an hour and I woke in the recovery room. I had drains in my sides and was then wheeled back to my room, all good, and then some more painkillers and my mood was even better. I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t. I phoned my mum to let her know all was well. I wanted to do everything by myself and insisted she stayed home. All I can say is thank god for the Simpsons. I watched an episode at 6pm on channel 4 then another four from 7pm on sky one. Still couldn’t sleep. I ended up reading a little then watching more rubbish till midnight. Lights out and time for bed, but yet again I couldn’t get any shut eye. I probably managed 2 hours before I was awoken at 6am for more medication and checks. The fit nurse returns. (I was checked on numerous occasions the day of surgery but only one fit nurse).

After breakfast and a fat piss Levick showed up again. A delightful fella. I asked a few questions as he explained the post – op procedures and I was out by 11am. Taking out the drains was about the most uncomfortable thing in the whole situation although getting on a hot rocking tube isn’t all that fun either. So now I am home about 24hours after surgery. I’ve already lied to my Nan and said I cracked my rib falling down some stairs on a night out with some Uni pals, she’s bought it so far. My brother Is away and im going to feed my sister the same thing about my ribs when she gets in from school. I don’t think my brother will be easy to trick though because he has a mild case and understands what its like because we talk about it sometimes but I don’t want him blabbing to all our mates.

I never went to see my GP before surgery but I think its probably the best thing to do even if they aren’t aware of what gynecomastia is or its psychological effects. At the moment I am glad I have undergone the surgery. All in all including vests consultations and travel it probably came to around £3900. All my savings, however im taking a year out of uni to repay my savings account and hopefully it’ll be all go for my final year when it comes to all those girls I blew off,(providing they are still up for it). The most important thing is that I did this for me. I want to be able to wear what I want, not have people take the micky and gain that extra confidence I need in life. Should help my fitness too as I’ll be less ashamed of running on a football pitch and I can consider swimming again.

Sean I hope all went well, Levick said it did and I assume you are the Irish guy he was talking about.

And for anyone else who could be bothered to read this huge entry and has gone through everything, do you have any recovery tips? Ie how long to wait before resuming certain activities, how long did you keep bandages on for, arnica and any other tips.

Thanks guys for taking the time to read my entry. I’ll probably give an update in a week when I take off these banadages. Buh bye

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
Bandages as per Levicks instructions, should be 7-8 days. Gonna be a testing time in this heat. I had mine in winter and it was tough going. I suggest you have a fan in your room. Congratulations on your op. Surely if your brother and father both suffer they are going to notice the change though?

Try to rest up for about a month before proper exercise. Although keep mobile also as this helps.

Offline kayvee

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  • Surgery 27/07/2006 with Dr. Levick
Hey dude, nice going.

Why were the drains uncomfy ... specifically? Am wondering. Have my surgery in 7 days, so ...


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cool, keep us updated on your progress mate!

Offline geg100

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nice one man
good luck

Offline student_86

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  • Gyne removed by Levick 19/07/06
Thanks guys.

Stonecold, i agree it will be hard to hide it from my bro and dad but i know that they'd let slip to others and it'd get around. I'm not particularly ashamed of the surgery i just don't feel comfortable just yet incase the results arent as well as hoped.

Kayvee the drains were only uncomfortable because i felt they restricted my movement when i was trying to move up the bed to get more comfy. If someone helps you move its fine but i was by myself and didnt call the nurse.

Well 2day is my 2nd day post op and im starting to bruise. My right hand side feels more sore than the the left and it also appears more swollen even though Dr.L took more out of the right. He said he took about 100 of tissue and 100 fat from each side, which from what i gather is pretty big for tissue. I've changed the dressings and feel a bit more free. The plaster was sticking to my armpit hairs. My advice is if you're going for surgery go for a wax/shave. The bandages are pretty tight around my chest and i feel slightly hunch back but they are getting a little looser under my right hand side. Hoping this doesnt have an effect on recovery.

Question: Have a lot of you guys seen a diference in size on different sides ie right and left, and do they sort themselves out to become more symetrical (spelling??)

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
Dont worry about the bandages mine got a bit looser ad i rang the priory for advice, and was told nothing to worry about.

Also with my bandages on it looked like i had alot more on my left side than my right. When i took the bandages off this wasnt the case and was down to padding.


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