Author Topic: One year on, gone?  (Read 3655 times)

Offline wu_zi_mu

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Hi, I have suffered from dreaded gyno for much of my life since teens (42 now).

Over the last year I have tried really, really  hard to beat it once & for all (inc surgery with Levick)

Still think I got it to some extent - chest just seems too big and rounded at bottom - you can see what I mean on front relaxed pic?

Comments appreciated ?
p.s. I know I got funny shoulder bones, I am resigned to them!

'best,      Woozy.

Offline downloaderuk

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I can see what you mean by being a bit rounded at the bottom, but TBH it looks okay to me. It is not something that I would assume would be gyno if I saw it on someone else, I would think nothing off it.

However, pictures on the net can be deceptive and maybe it looks worse in real life. Is it noticible through clothing? Are you happy walking around with your shirt off, at the beach or would you be too self consious?

The pictures are something I would hope to have after my surgery heals! Also I can't see any scarring, which is definately a good sign.

Offline geg100

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look ok to me mate but can understand what you mean but looks as tho you dont have that great muscle tone either.why not try some weights to tone up and develop the pecs underneath?

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I dare say this isn't what you want to hear but I think that there will hundreds if not thousands of sufferers who would love to have the chest that you have.  It looks very very 'normal' to me.

Good luck
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline iceman1460

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damn looking at ur chest is the kinda chest i hope to have once my bandages come off. lol mate there nothing wrong with it. a teeny weeney bit of fat would be cool.

ice man

Offline orrible

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"Still think I got it to some extent "

Your joking right? ;) thats one of the best results ive seen. I think your chest looks better than normal particulalry given that you are 42. I see many middle aged men with far larger chests and they wouldnt be assosiated with gyne. Honestly you have a great result. If you wanna know for sure,join a health club and go and sit in the sauna and compare your chest to that of most other guys your age or any age... And i thought i was hard to please ;D

Would be interesting to see some before pics
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 10:17:40 AM by stonecold »

Offline ace

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u got a good shape, nothing wrong with that at all.
All u got to do is tone up if u want to do anything further, otherwise enjoy life

Offline wu_zi_mu

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Thanks 4 all comments. Reasssuring really.

I am still a bit self concious topless in public, but maybe thats my head. Gyne f*cked it....

I do still have more fat at bottom of pecs than is right / mabbe slightly loose skin. don't want any more PS but.     Might diet, dunno.

Anyway thought I would share what 1 year on looks like for me as someone feeling about 80% happy on improvements.

BTW I got no before pics but I wuz similat to 'Phantom' befores suppose.

Good lucks all,  woozie

Offline markashleigh1979

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You look great mate ....One fo the hardest things to beat with gyno, is our mental state. I had the op in may and i still sometimes find myself walking with my arms folded or grabing at my chest to check the size..... :P

Offline need_breast_helpUK

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Your chest looks brilliant, it's pics like that which make me want to have the operation.  Can you please tell me if you just had liposuction or did they also have to remove any harder tissue as well?

Offline irish_dude

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Thanks 4 all comments. Reasssuring really.

I am still a bit self concious topless in public, but maybe thats my head. Gyne f*cked it....

Been there, bought the baggy-black tee-shirt.

Dude, you are A1. Not only are you A1, but you are 100%. Your chest looks totally normal to me.

At first I looked at your pictures thinking you were putting them up as pre-op pics and I was thinking "Is this guy some sort of loon?".

Honestly, you're there. Congrats.


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