Author Topic: 'diet aid of questionable value' - male breast reduction pills. Opinions...  (Read 3303 times)

Offline h31l0

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Hey, i'm new to this forum.. Thought i'd start a topic about 'diet aid of questionable value'.. i've been searching the board for people's opinions on the drug and other related drugs and as expected, most have been negative.. If you have any opinions, and if you have tried it and have gotten results or havent gotten results, please feel free to post.

I just bought the 5 month supply, and it's probably a waste of money but i just started it today! I'll keep you guys posted on if it really works or not.. i'm sure things like this however are usually scams
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 06:03:45 AM by h31l0 »

Offline Mr_Nip

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If you read all the negative posts, think it's a waste of money, and are sure it's a scam, then why did you buy a 5 month supply and start using it?  ???

I come from nowhere
And you should go there.
Just try it for a while.
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Offline Mr_Nip

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Mods,  I know you can automatically edit profanity, but can you automatically edit these brand names, but only in the subject line?  I wouldn't want to limit our ability to discuss brands, but it's easy for somebody to advertise their brand in the subject line like this.  It doesn't really matter to them what is in the message's body because it's all about keeping that name out in front of us.  If it's out of the subject line, then the plug is of less benefit to them.   Just wondering.

Offline daddynubbie

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We all understand wanting to be rid of Gyne here and these boards are here to help people avoid things like this.

By giving your money to this company you further the problem,taking this is most likely harmless but????? Who knows, do you want to take that chance?
Suffered For 20 years, 36 years old
Had 1st Surgery October 2005
Had Revision August 18, 2006
Looking Good So Far

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Oh look another first time poster asking about this product ::) amazing how every time this is raised it is by a first time poster who uses the exact same language ::)

Offline rocketrob

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Offline h31l0

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If you read all the negative posts, think it's a waste of money, and are sure it's a scam, then why did you buy a 5 month supply and start using it?  ???

I was skeptical when i bought it, but wasnt sure so i thought i'd give it a try.. by the way, i bought it before reading negative opinions about it.. after reading posts on the boards here, it swayed me, but i'm going to continue using it.. i'll keep you all posted on this thread about my progress, if any
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 05:40:02 PM by h31l0 »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Have any of you guys noticed that the people boosting 'diet aid of questionable value' all use hotmail addreses?

This is more than just a bit fishy, It reeks.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Paw Paw would it be possible to moderate/remove all such first time postings and inform the individuals why this has been done?

I just think this is one company advertising its snake oil and using this website to try and sucker  people in by pretending to be a number of real gynecomastia sufferers.  I am not saying that possibly one or two were/are not real people but there is no way this is coincidental that we are always viewing first time posters, the exact same language and points and hotmail addresses.  

I wonder why NOT one 1st time post has been made enquiring about any of the other possible medications ;)


I have just received a mail from someone titled 'diet aid of questionable value'.  Just to say if the person that has sent me this mail is reading this;

I am not opening your mail I have delected it and I want nothing to do with you or your emails/any and all mails from you will be deleted unopened!

« Last Edit: August 26, 2006, 04:01:27 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Mastagon

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First, I must say that you should not self-medicate. See a doctor, then see an endocrinologist. If the gyno is being caused by a hormonal imbalance, you must deal with this hormonal imbalance first, before dealing with the gyno itself. Second, do not just any "magic-potion" gyno pills. Trust whats been proven to actually work against gyno : tamoxifen citrate, arimidex, letrozole or raloxifene.

Offline h31l0

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Hey guys, sorry.. i just came onto this board for help and opinions/stories about the drug i'm taking.. seriously i'm not some advertising whatever you call them from some company trying to boost their stupid product, and i dont mean to be rude, but if you start attacking me for my questions and maybe some help from people who are possibly on the same boat as me, i dont know what to say..

think what you like.. ban me from the board if you want, the only reason why i started this thread is to first hand find out if the drug has worked or not on others... thanks for your help guys.

- by the way, as a first time poster i just wanted to be polite hence the "language" i was using...
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 01:26:03 AM by h31l0 »

Offline Mr_Nip

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Nobody here wants to shut out or offend somebody who comes here wanting support.  It's unfortunate that those unethical advertisers have created a situation that makes it difficult to know who is a legitimate sufferer.  The changes that the administrators have now made with automatically editing these products' names will make it easier for someone like yourself to come on with a question about those products and not be suspected of advertising.   Now, welcome to the site and don't expect for anything to go away with those products except maybe your money.  ;)

Offline h31l0

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thanks.. sorry i was a little harsh with my comments earlier, and i understand what you're saying, it's hard to distinguish between someone trying to promote the product and a serious person.. problem is i have already bought the product, and unfortunately i was sucked in. i just joined this site a couple of days back and had ordered the product more than a week ago.. looking at all the comments here, it has made me realise that it is most likely a waste of money  >:(.. i dunno, i'm going to continue using it though.. i'm hoping for a pleasant surprise, but i had better not hold my hopes too high.
Aswell, i havent been to a physician so i'm not sure what i have is gyne or not, but i'm guessing that it is. i have just started jogging and doing more cardio vascular exercises and i am working on my diet.. i dont know however whether my chest will get flatter as a result.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 03:00:11 AM by h31l0 »


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