Author Topic: Paranoid about new gyno possibility, read this  (Read 12584 times)

Offline avillax

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Hello, I've been having puffy nipples since age 12, and the little lump that comes with it.

I started taking avodart for hairloss purposes, and one of the side effects is gyno, though the possibility is low.

I've been paranoid watching my nipples to see if they have grown more, and I even think they did a little, but its mostly paranoia.

According to me, in order to get gyno, your nipples have to feel sored or to sensible, am I right? or wrong?

Thats what I felt when I was 12 and developed gyno. Now I am 23.

Offline GodWasAngry

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thats what i felt too but it depends on the person.

Offline skyhawk

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 I have learned that kids passing thru puberty ( age 12)  sometimes get breast enlargement. Fo many, it will go away anywhere from 3 months to three years. But for some, the gynecomastia remains. For those surgery is the answer.

There are drugs that can cause gyne too. So it is possible to take a drug and induce the problem further.

No, I am not a doctor, but I have been researching this matter on medical websites for over a year now.

Hope this helps

Offline avillax

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Yeah what I want to know is, if in order to get more gyno you have to feel your nipples sore.

I mean it makes sense, when women pass trough menstrual cycles when their hormones go crazy, they also feel sore nipples.

Or not necessary and your breast just start to grow with you not feeling it.

Offline headheldhigh01

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don't think mine ever got sore, just the occasional annoying itch.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Avodart = Dutasteride. I know little of it except that it is similar in some ways to Finasteride (Propecia).

I think that those of us who have Gynecomastia have a demonstrable  Sensitivity to such drugs and their side effect profile.

Just the meandering thoughts of an old man perhaps, but certainly food for thought.
Grandpa Dan

Offline avillax

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What about once I remove the hard gyno behind my nipple, will I have to worry about getting more gyno?

Offline headheldhigh01

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yes, if the hormones are unsteady, particularly under the influence of drugs, it could return.  
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 09:45:42 PM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline CROWNZ

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avillax, your 23 and losing ur hair, i can tell u this ejaculating makes ur hair thinner and thinner till it falls out and its gone, so if u want ur hair to stop falling out stop ejaculating so hold back and u wont go bald and throw away those pills, and if u dont belive me do a test and dont ejaculate for a while and rub ur hands in ur hair and see if any fall out, then after ejaculate and on the second day and third day run ur hands thru your hair and u will see ur hair falling out

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I'm left almost speechless by the reply from Crownz.  It reminds me of a story I heard when I was about 6 and at Primary School.  They said a girl could get pregnant just by kissing a boy.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline CROWNZ

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Time_to_fix_it ........ let me break it down for u, now the body has testosterone and it has estrogen, the mlae body has more testosterone in it, every time u ejaculate u burn testosterone that transforms into dht so it does not turn into estrogen, dht attacks the hair root and sucks the life out of it thats why it thins and thins till it falls out, those pills u take to make ur hair not fall out is made to transform dht into estrogen so the hair can get blood slow so it can grow agian, yes dht is a bad hormone but it is also good because it keeps testorone from turning into estrogen, if dude keeps taking those pills yes he will have a more higher estrogen level in his body...........understand son, every time u ejaculate is like 3 days of meals in one ejaculation, its better to hold back, yeah get ur freak on but dont ejaculate and u wont lose hair and u wont lose testosterone

Offline avillax

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I have to disagree Crownz. Sperm is just a type of protein, the body has the ability to replenish it. Its absurd to think that your sperm holds your testosterone levels. Testosterone merely helps producing sperm, so in theory you get more testosterone working, if your sperm levels are low.

DHT is contained naturaly on testosterone, it is not related to transformations from masturbation, it is just there. And people who lose hair, is not just becaus DHT, but because some parts of their hair is just geneticaly defective to be affected by DHT.

The area of hair that starts thining is hair that is genetically defective, and allergic to DHT if you will. I had a hair transplant where they insert hair that is not allergic to DHT and thus, it doesn't fall off.

Avodart constains dutasteride which eliminates DHT which is just a protein in testosterone, testosterone is not responsable for hair thining, DHT is.

According to trials, only about 4% of patients experiment side effects, of that 4% merely 1% experiment gyno problems, the number is very low indeed. And it is caused by some chemical reaction that kills to much DHT and ends up messing with testosterone and estrogen levels, but the risk is very low, and many medicines hold the same risks.

Ejaculating is absolutely not related to alopecia, its like saying you are gonna go blind if you masturbate.
I did my homework man, I am not stupid.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 11:37:21 AM by avillax »

Offline CROWNZ

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avillax... u got a lot to learn, u got alot to learn, u lose hair because dht attacks the hair root preventing it to get blood flow, people call dht a bad hormone, but actually its good because it keeps ur testosterone from turning into estrogen, if u masterbate or have sexual intercourse u are (burning testosterone) and u lose more by ejaculating, what happends ur testosterone turns into dht reason why it turns into dht so it wont turn into estrogen, all those hair drugs like saw palmetto, propecia when inside ur body what it is doing is lowering ur dht level in ur body by turning ur dht into estrogen once ur dht level is low u will see hair growth, i am speakin the (real) like u said those pills make some people get gynecomstia from it reason why, because it its turning ur dht hormone into estrogen, why do u think woman dont go bald because they dont have much testosterone in there body to burn to make enough dht to make them go bald, trust me u been watching to much t.v. there not gonna tell u to stop ejaculating or they will not sell there products if u know how to stop going bald, they tell u dht attacts the hair root, but dont tell u what is making the dht and its ejaculation, truuuuuuuuuust me no joke kid and if u dont , then yes u are stupid with a bigg fat (F) on ur home work.....listen to ur teacher

Offline Mr_Nip

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I'd rather go bald and have gyne than stop ejaculating.

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Offline avillax

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All what you said about dht is true, EXCEPT EJACULATING.

Find a link to some article that actually talks about that fantasy you are talking.


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