Author Topic: hi  (Read 1550 times)

Offline supersteve2181

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hi guys,,
quick question,,if i was to opt for surgery do any private clinics offer "finance" ie,surgery now and pay in monthly instalments?? or what is the chances of surgery for free on the NHS any got any experiances of either options>??
im getting to the stage where my chest size is really really making my life sh-it,,,trying dieating but just making my chest bigger,,dont have any family left or a girlfriend and finding myself walking about hunch backed all the time trying to hide my gyne,,im in a low paid job and often wonder what the point is in this crap life,i think with surgery i would be a new man,,but just as things are i dont see a future at all :(

Offline UKChap

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I sent off for information from a couple of places and all had a finance plan.  You'd probably get a better rate from a bank or loan place though.


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