Author Topic: UK2000 diary!  (Read 10925 times)

Offline uk2000

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Hi guys welcome to my diary.

Im 26 yrs old, weigh 12 stones, and am 5'10 in height.

Ive had gyne since the age of 17 and have had enough.  The major embarrasment for me was taking my top of when with gals, and wearing certain clothing.

I found this board before having my op, which helped me decide on my P.S.

After reading posts on here about hormones, i got worried that my gyne may come back if my hormones wont correct,  so i also had them tested privatly which cost me around £290.   This wasnt done through my P.S by the way.
However the results came back fine and my levels were fine.   I have shown the reults below,  bare in mind my testerone levels are howing a bit on the low end because i had the blood test done later on the in the afternoon at around 4pm.


TESTOSTERONE-  14.0 nmol/L
17-Beta OESTRADIOL(estrogen) - 79 pmol/L
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

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*i forgot to mention above hormone tests are meant to be done in the morning, at around 9am*

The op i had on 5th July with Adrian Grobbellar in london.  The whole process was mad,  couldnt sleep the night before,  cos was to worried about getting up.  Arrived at the hospital 1hr early.

Before the op i reminded the P.S  to take more out of 1 side which i thought was bigger than the other.   After surgery i woke up in bed with the vest on,  which they gave me a wrong size,  it was to small and very tight, oh well i changed it when i got home,  as i got my own one which i ordered from

I had 60g gland taken out of my right side, and 55g taken out of my left side. Also 100ml of liposuction on each side.

I had a overnight stay because i had drains, which filled up quite a bit with blood.  The next day when the drains were removed i got a quick chance to look at my chest.  
My chest was super flat, the results looked brilliant,  Grobellar did a fantastic job.  
I thought he wud have left a little more in and that it wudnt be so flat,  cant complain tho.

The drains didnt really hurt when they come off,  the sticky tape holding the drains hurt more than anything.

When i got home i was sore and tight all over.   I got a fair amount of bruising,  but no pain no game hey.

Ive got some antibiotics and pain killers to take. I didnt take the painkillers, but i finished the course of antibiotics which i had to take to fight of any infections that could develop after the op.

I was also taking the arnica30 and bromelain  for my bruising.

The main problem i have is lying down, i cant turn on my sides, which i know is gna cause problems for me.  Walking around is still abit slow,  and im just gna take it easy.

Also a quick point about the hospital,  it wasnt good as i expected in the sense at night i was freezing my balls off as it was to cold.  I even had to call the nurse at 1 point at night cos i didnt get my painkillers.

The first week was really tough in sense of moving around, everything was restricted,  i couldnt even wipe my ass properly  :P  

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*what i meant to say above was i couldnt wipe my bum properly the first week post op lol*

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2 weeks post op:

i had my stiches removed after 12days,  which was painless,  couldnt feel a thing as im so numb in my chest area.  This was done by a nurse,  the P.S wasnt there but i have to go back in 2 weeks to seem him for a post op check.

Ive stopped taking the arnica 30 and bromelain tablets,  almost all my bruising has gone, just a little bit left.

At the moment i am now taking Vitamin B, C and E in tablet form along with Zinc supplements to help my recovery.

I have had a BIG shock after 8-14 days post op,  it looks like my chest has grown, and that nothing has been taken out.  I was so worried,  but i have been told its just swelling and is normal.

My nipples look really flat and manky like they have no life.  But they seem to be gaining life day by day.

My left side doesnt look so good compared to my right,  as there is more swelling and lumpish appearance in it.
Im keeping the vest on almost 24/7 to help keep the swelling down.   I was at the point ealier this week thinking was it all worth it,  nothing looks to have changed so much.   But i knw it will get better,  i think this is what they call post op blues but i didnt think i be getting it.

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15 days post op:

still alot of swelling, i feel alot of tightness in my left chest if i strech my arms, its like i can feel a lump inside expanding.  My right side is fine when streching out to a limit.

On my left chest the nipple has a crease across it, where as the right nipple is coming along fine.  I think this is because the P.S didnt take as much care with my left nipple when doing the cut as he did with the right side.

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i had ordered a smaller compression vest which has come through today, as i felt my other one was a bit loose.  the smaller size from feels better, as i can feel it more tightl compressed around my chest.
im hoping this will aid keeping the swelling down as much as possible.

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Quote from: uk2000

The drains didnt really hurt when they come off,  the sticky tape holding the drains hurt more than anything.


That is so true man! i reckon that was the most painful part of the whole operation!  ;D

anyway wish u a speedy recovery :)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2004, 10:18:47 PM by LostSoul »
still i rise..excision 21/7/04

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3 weeks post op now.
i have been wearing the smaller size compression vest, which i believe has been helping more, as i can really feel the compression now, compared to the other bigger vest i had.

the majority of the bruising has gone from my sides, and movement of the arms is more flexible now.

my right side is looking good compared to my left side, which still bothers me. The nipple on the left side still had a crease across it, and is smaller in size than my right nipple. But im not to worried about this at the moment.
i have been massaging my left side for the last 2 days,  while the knot thing i was describing in my left chest feels better after a massage, but it seems to swell up more,  so im gna lay off massaging for another week.
also my left side chest appears larger then my right side.  im hoping this is due to having more swelling on my left side.  I really hope it goes down.  It seems that the right side is healing better than the left.

Im still convinced that my P.S hasnt taken enough gland out, and have my 1st post op appointment with him this week, where i will be pointing out my concerns to him.  My chest is still rather large at 3 weeks post op, and this is visible when i still wear t shirts.
But saying that my mum saw me with my top of today, and she has no idea that i had this op,  only my bro knows.  But my mum said my chest looks a bit flatter compared to before, and that was from her own observation.  So the changes are noticable to other people but not 2me, perhaps cos i stare at my chest everyday.  But i am no where near happy yet with my chest.  I really hope it gets flatter.

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well im 24 days post op and getting real anxious now.
i took my vest off today, and just thought i have a look wearing a normal t-shirt to see how my chest looks.  There was no difference what so ever, it still looks like i have boobs and nothing really has changed, theres only a slight difference, which is my nipples not puffing out as much.   But the size of the breasts are the same as before.  Im getting worried that the P.S didnt take out enough,  he also works by the ethic of not taking to much out so u dont get a indent look.  Im really starting to wonder was it all worth it or should i have gone with a diff. P.S, some1 who could have made me flat..
Surely i should have been fairly flat at this stage.

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25 days post op:

i had my first follow up appointment with grobbeellar today. when i saw him he was with his nurse and both were excited when i was taking of my vest as they wanted to see the results.  Grobellars first reaction was thats looking very good.   I told him i had 2 concerns, 1) the size of my chest was no where near flat.   2) there is swelling on my left side, and also that this side seems bigger than my right side chest.

Grobbellars reply to q.1)  was that this is more or less how my chest will look now.  Inside i was very angry & upset, i told him i did not have a flat appearance at all and it still looks like i have a pair of breasts when i wear t-shirts.  I told him this was not what i wanted.   He come out with a lot of bullshit about, how my chest was contoured to a natural shape, and he started showing me my before pics which he took.  When we compared them i told him that from the front yes it looks smaller, but from the sides there seemed not 2 b much difference.     The main problem is the top half of my chest is flat which is how it has always been.  So i wanted the lower half where my gyne was to sort of shape in with the upper half.  But still after surgery the lower half of my chest is big (but obviousy not as much as before).  He said he removed the right amount out,  keeping some gland behind to provide support.  The way i saw it he left to much behind.

Grobbellars reply to q.2)  He said the swelling was scar tissue that had developed on my left side, which i should massage quite intensley to get rid of it.  
Also on that left side i expressed to him that i still had a lot of flab hanging of my armpit, where on my right side there was nothing under the armpit,  he told me thats just my body and natural.    I just think that my left side was the side he done last and rushed it during surgery.

I had to get out of his office, cos i could have snapped his neck in half if i stayed longer.  I told him the whole point of me having the op was to have a flat appearance to my chest, and not to have a 50% result.

Realistically i would not want my chest flat as a pancake,  but still any1 would want there chest flattened by 75 out of 100% following surgery.  The result i got was 50 out of 100%  

My worst fear was confirmed he didnt move enough from my chest to give me a flat appearance.  Wearing any jumper or shirt my breasts are still visble,  but not as bad as before.  But enough to still bother me.

When i walked out i was so hurt, i spent around £3600 on surgery with my hard earned money, and was not happy at all with my results, especially when grobbellar told me that is more or less how my chest will look now.  
My general feeling now was i wish i had gone elsewhere.  Overall My left side is bigger that my right side, before surgery it was the other way round.  Things are just not going my way.  

Grobbelar said give it more time, as it may get a little flatter all round by just a little bit.  A LITTLE BIT - huh well that still wouldnt make my chest flat.

I cannot even consider goiing thru surgery again, unless i was a free man and had nothing better to do with my time.   The only thing i can do is after 6 weeks hit the gym, work out my whole body, but concentrate on my upper half chest to try n even things out and make it less noticeable.  :'(

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4 weeks post op update:

im at the point where i dont give a shit about this gyne shit,  its pissing me right off.
however im still massaging once or twice a day with vitamin e oil,  and cocoa butter.

my left side chest has developed alot of scar tissue in different places which is affecting the overall look of that side of the chest.  whilst the right side has developed no scar tissue.

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6 weeks post op.

almost 6 weeks post op & decided to take my compression vest of now. im only going to wear it at night for another 3-4 weeks.   Reason being ive started to get spots on my chest and back, due to heat rash from wearing the vest.  the weather here at the moment is preety humid and sticky.

Results so far, my left side chest has a lot of scar tissue formed on it and this restricts movement.  also my left side chest gives the appearance that it is lower, i.e hanging down slightly when compared to my rightside chest.  But i believe this is due to the extra swelling and scar tissue i have on this side.  
On my right side chest i have no scar tissue and hardly any swelling, & its lookin kind of good,  but far from what i want it to be.

Ive been massaging for the last 2 weeks with vitamin e oil  and also cocoa butter, it helps make the chest feel looser & is helping the scars to dissapear.   i massage for about 5 mins, then after i normally have a shower.

Nipples are looking ok, but a bit shrivelled still.  The scars from around the nipples have almost gone,  i think this is due to the massaging which really is helping. The point where the drains were inserted have left a little mark, and behind this i can feel a very tiny small marble dot if i press on the skin.

Funny thing is sometimes, the chest looks out of shape, then it looks ok, then it will look kind of flat then large, it keeps swapping and changing.,  every other day it seems worse or better   So im expecting things to even out a lot more yet.   But i knw its gna be quite a wait.

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i have posted up my 6 weeks post op pics @

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ive heard people going through post op blues,  about 6 weeks post op, i think its happning to me.  i didnt think i get it,  well i think no1 thinks they will get it.
the main thing troubling me is what appears to be left over gland on my left chest underneath the nipple.  its clearly visible & when i tense my chest it sticks out like a sore thumb,

also i dont feel much has changed through surgery,  when i walk fast i can still feel my chest bouncing around.  :'(

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thing have gotton a bit better, or i have ust gotton used to and accepted my new chest.  Still scar tissue on the left side, which shows a little.
The main concern with the shape of the chest is symmetry, as they dont look even in shape or size.  One side looks bigger than the other.  My left side looks like its hanging down comapred to the right.   Im gna give it more time, guess thats all i can do.

BAck int he gym also, hopefully that may help,  just been concentrating on upper chest when doin chest.


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