Good day! This is my first post on this forum, though I've been reading some of your posts for some time now and I've got to thank you all for sharing a bit of your lives. It has been inspiring and helpful to know not just that we are not alone, but that I am connected in some way to good people like the members of this board.
I never registered here because I never felt like I had anything to say that someone hadn't said before, until now!
And that is that I may have found an effective alternative to all of the miracle-solutions people are searching for, although I'm afraid it's only useful in the mildest of cases. However, since I know how embarassing even a mild case of gynecomastia can be (I myself am lucky enough only to have puffy nipples, but to the extent that I've been called on manboobs and the like many times) I decided I may as well tell everyone else about this for the sake of those like me.
Assuming you have a mild case of gynecomastia such that your nipples are the only noticeably effected part of your chest (or such that without puffy nipples, you'd feel a hell of a lot more comfortable/confident in a shirt that fits like it ought to) I suggest depressing your nipple and applying a small amount of super-glue to it. It seems to be working for me. Now, mind you, I'm only mildly effected with puffy nipples (if I get really cold, my chest just looks buff) anyway, and am by no means suggesting that this is some miracle solution to gynecomastia.
On that note, I'd like to address a previous concern some others have had with regards to using super-glue on your skin. After deciding to make this post, I thought I should look and see if anyone else had made a post like it, and I found one in which people dispelled the idea of using super-glue with the notion that using super glue on your skin is dangerous and that there may be some toxins in the glue that your skin could absorb, thus producing far more significant health problems than gynecomastia.
Now, I'm not a toxicologist, but I do know that 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate super-glue was approved in 1998 by the FDA as a means of closing wounds (primarily because 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate isn't as irritating to the skin as other compounds). In Vietnam, super-glue was used to seal wounds and stop bleeding, which saved many soldiers lives. More recently, super-glue has been the essential component of liquid skin bonds (which might work better for the purpose I've suggested, I don't know).
So until I keel over from getting a little super-glue on me, bollocks to not using it. Mild-skin-irritation is a hell of a lot better than puffy-****ing-nipples when there's a pretty girl at the beach.
If you guys want to, you know, hazard an opinion or try it yourselves, it's not like I'm going to stop you.