Author Topic: Surgery with Dr. Bermant *August 26th 2006*  (Read 7993 times)

Offline Yoshi

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Yesterday I had surgery with Dr. Bermant after having this since I was about 13...I'm 17 now.

height: 5'8
weight: 158 lbs (day of surgery)

My endrocrinologist cleared me and said these things would never go away without surgery.

I don't remember what exact day it was but it was probably in March or so. Dr. Bermant is very informative and confirmed my gynecomastia while giving me loads of information. It was a little bit intimidating at first, finally realizing that, "wow there is a possibility I may lose these breasts." EVERYBODY THAT WORKS IN DR. BERMANT'S STAFF IS NICE so they made sure I was as comfortable as I could be.

Day before surgery:
Oh man, I was reaaaalllllly excited. Imagine how excited you would be knowing your breasts were gonna be gone. As we entered his office, Thomas immediatly called us by last was nice knowing they knew who was coming and what for without having to read your name when you signed in (it is the little things too that make you feel welcome). So we waited, and finally I was called back where Dr. Bermant smiled and said, "Welcome back!"He gave me one last examination, took pictures, marked me up, and Thomas gave me care instructions. At this point I'm so excited I'm like flipping out about it while my parents and sister are flipping out cause of nervousness.

The day of surgery:
So the surgery was scheduled in the morning and as we come we see the anesthesiologist and a nurse walking into the building. Of course we weren't sure at the time if they were  here for Dr. Bermant or another surgery but they immediatly broke the ice and said, "Here for surgery?" in the most friendly way possible. They waited for us and started talking to us in the elevator. Both of them were absolutely hilarious! They were all smiles and when the anesthesiologist came in to interview me and tell us what would happen he made you feel at ease. He told us it was his sole duty to monitor me, plot my heartbeats, etc and he would do nothing else. He explained what drugs he would be using, their side effects, risks and yet he still gave a sense of security too you even as he said the latter two.  My parents told me they felt comfortable when he said, "I will look after him as if he were my own son."
So now I'm entering pre-op and now I'm getting nervous "Oh man! I'm about to be knocked out at cut open!" I told the anesthesiologist how I felt and he kept me calm and said things along the lines of "Don't worry about it, everybody goes through it" and then he started making me laugh and having a casual conversation. These people are soo nice and comforting, it truly is amazing. If you want an example of how amazing it is think of this:
Two nurses and an anesthesiologist in a room talking and laughing as if they are a family...yet you are now part of there family. You are naked except for a thin cloth covering your privates and have an IV attatched to you while your arms are tied down in a white room but you are not intimidated, infact you are laughing the hardest you probably laughed all week!
The anesthesiologist described to me exactly how it will work, "One minute you are talking, the next you are out." It was amazing really...

I woke up refreshed and dizzy, and one of the nurses helped get me dressed and walk. The side effects I had were basically dizziness....about half an hour later I ate at Friendly's so the anesthesia really wasn't that bad for me. Oh, and don't eat at that Friendly's....bad service.

The pain was not bad at all and I didn't have to take the prescribed medication...just two tylenol (I took a total of 6 tylenol that day). If you want to know how it felt right out of surgery do this:
Lift weights to a point where you KNOW you will be very sore the next day,
On the "next day" rub icy-hot or tigerbalm on your breasts and around that area for a burning sensation and that was how my pain was...not bad at all.

I had no trouble eating anything that night.

Today (August 27th):
So it was less than 24 hours from my surgery when I saw my chest and all I could say was, "WOW." Nothing looked like it was bruised, just slightly swollen but Dr. Bermant reminded me that tissue WAS damaged even though I can't see ithe bruising so I should not to do anything stupid while my tissues are healing.
The pain is also significantly less and I'm reaaalllllllly excited about my new chest. As i was walking in restaurants I was not worried about other people giving my chest looks. I cannot say anything about the final results because that will take months, but right now it looks very promising :)

Before i got surgery, I did actually get the Phase II compression vest...Minus the fact it crawls up your stomach and the added sweat...this thing was great! Nobody noticed it, I could run with it and there would be no bouncing, and I stood up straight! I wore bright colored shirts and it was just fantastic so seriously consider looking into that too.

I'm not going to post pictures for awhile cause I can only have my vest off for a small amount of time each day and that's going toward showering not for pictures for you guys  :P

I have yet to take anything for pain today since it is so much less than yesterday.

I will update this each day for awhile.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 04:35:07 PM by Yoshi »

Offline Yoshi

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2-3 Days Post-op:
The pain is very much minimal and so far I've only taken six tylenol total from after surgery. My chest is looking better each day and I will have pictures for you in a little bit.

Offline milk_caps

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I too am considering Dr. Bermant.. This sure is a ringing endorsement for sure..

Just wondering how much your total was ?

I'm about 5-10 155/160 as well, so your experience should be an exact replication of what mine will be..

Offline Yoshi

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Check your PMs and I'm fairly certain that all cases are unique.

I had my bandages removed today...The results are still looking good and the pain is less each day.

Offline Mr._Undecided

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Have any pics or updates yet Yoshi? I am also considering Dr. Bermant. Thanks.

Offline Mr_Nip

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  • Had expensive surgery... Now I'm flat busted!

I woke up refreshed and dizzy, and one of the nurses helped get me dressed and walk. The side effects I had were basically dizziness....about half an hour later I ate at Friendly's so the anesthesia really wasn't that bad for me. Oh, and don't eat at that Friendly's....bad service.


Getting to eat after surgery was the best part of the day for me besides knowing I was now moobless.
They told me to eat something light and bland until the next day because of the anesthesia would possibly upset my stomach...  Dude, as soon as I got home I had my sister pick me up 1/2 lb. of chopped pork shoulder barbeque with sides of red slaw and hush puppies, which I gobbled down with liberal amounts of Tabasco sauce and sweet tea.  Yum!  ;D

I come from nowhere
And you should go there.
Just try it for a while.
The people from nowhere always smile.  -  Frank Zappa

Offline Yoshi

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Well I basically feel no pain now when just standing or lying down. I only feel pain if I move improperly or accidentally stretch (which you must be very cautious about!).

Since I'm back in school (nobody has mentioned my vest but one girl did say I looked skinnier) I will post pictures when my homework load isn't so high...which should be sometime this weekend.

Mr. Nip: The anesthesiologist told me not to eat anything heavy *insert me being sad since I figure I can only slurp jello* then he said, "like a whole pizza. But a hamburger and fries is fine." :) :) :)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2006, 05:06:22 PM by Yoshi »

Offline Mr._Undecided

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Sorry to be so persistent Yoshi but do you have any pics? I am really anxious to see your results, thanks.

Offline Yoshi

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I'm so sorry! I have these pics Dr. Bermant sent me right after surgery and I haven't had much time to take pics myself as I have to get this science paper ready for a science competition and college apps and all.

Anyway! Here are the pics...the after pics are less than 24 hours from initial surgery...My results look much better now than that but I will try to get recent pics up as soon as possible!

Once again I'm sorry but my schoolwork must come first!


« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 04:33:48 PM by Yoshi »

Offline Mr._Undecided

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Thanks so much Yoshi! The pics look great and it looks like you have a successful result. Please keep us posted on your condition when you have a chance.  

Offline Yoshi

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I can't say I've had a successful result until a few more months :) it's looking better though.

Offline Yoshi

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It looks pretty good now. I got a bit of loose skin but Dr. Bermant said getting it removed wouldn't outweigh the fact that I'd have scars so I'm not gonna get it removed. I'm attempting to fill the skin with muscle as I just started weightlifting after 2 months (stopped lifting a little before the surgery).

I'm really sore (just re-started weightlifted yesterday) and my weights were considerably lower, but I'm glad I waited for everything to heal first. I saw stretch marks on my skin where my biceps once were :( Got a lot of mass to regain!

The contour looks "male" know...where the edges of your chest curve inward? I have feeling in my left nipple now and I think my right nipple nerves are coming back.

As for pictures....I will try to get some up today or tomorrow.

Offline GyneWithTheWind

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Wow, congrats on the great results! I too am considering Dr. Bermant, and I was wondering how much this set you back? Your input would be greatly appreciated, as its unfortunately come down to money for me in choosing who I select.....

Offline Yoshi

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Offline mizuno

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Would appreciate if you send me the info as well.
Ans also, what hotel did you stay at? I will probably go by myself and have to stay somewhat close by and take a cab back and forth.


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