Author Topic: Marijuana use causing gynecomastia  (Read 5556 times)

Offline dukie2104

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I started to smoke marijuana in april of my sophmore year of high school.  About two months later is when i started to notice that my left breat was bigger than my right.  I am now a 19 year old college freshman.  I went to 2 different doctors including one almost a year ago who told me to hold off on surgery because it might go away.  I had several test which showed that my left breast has odd estorgen levels.  Over the year, my marijuana use increased largely.  I am now smoking mutiple times everydays.  Also over the years, my left breast has gotten larger.  Could this be a coincidence?  Its sounds like in my situation it could be linked.  I plan on stopping smoking very soon.  How possible is it that my smoking was causing the gyne?  After I quit, how long should i wait to see if the gyne is going away to know if it was caused by the smoking?

Offline gynogone

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How big is the breast tissue? 

Could it have been caused?  Yes.  Especially with the amount you do.  You write pretty well for someone who smokes pot though, oddly enough.

Will it go away?  I doubt it.  Once it's there for years it doesn't.  Some of the fat might dissipate but I would think most of the gland is there for good.  How large/noticeable?

I don't know what you mean about odd estrogen levels in the breast.  How would you have estrogen levels measured in the breast?  You'd need a biopsy, I would think.

Offline moobius

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It is doubtful that the tissue growth will disipate on it's own.  It's also unlikely that the MJ had anything to do with the tissue development, just coincidence.

Offline Mr_Nip

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Dukie, the truth is that the "does pot cause gyne" debate rages on and on within these boards.  There are those who will defend pot to the death, and there are those who say pot definitely causes gyne in some men.  I don't know if anybody really knows the answer to that one.  Pot isn't bad in itself -  It has valid medical uses and some people benefit from its controlled use, but abuse of any substance is bad.

At this point YOUR reality is twofold:  1.  You have gyne.   2.  You smoke too much pot. 

Solutions:  See a real endocrynologist who can spot hormone imbalances and correct them if you suspect abnormal estrogen.  Then see a qualified plastic surgeon to get rid of the gyne.  It's probably not going away on its own. 

Stop smoking pot whether you think it caused gyne or not.  Pot makes people stop caring much about anything except smoking more of it.  There's too much life out there to let pot get in the way.  Simply put: Show me somebody who smokes a lot of pot every day, and I'll show you an extremely boring person.


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I think the connection is bs personally.

Offline inquestion

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I dont know about that connection.
I started having the problems YEARS before I ever started smoking.
I have smoked for about 7 years now.
The amount that I have smoked, in relation to the amount of gyne I have, seems to make me think that it didnt really do much of anything, and it was simply a normal progression.
I think these correlations come from studies that use test subjects that are of pubescent age. All factors can be pretty important at that time of life.
And I will always fight for marijuana, even if I eventually have to stop smoking it.
It is like any other pleasure in life.
Notice how most people dont tell you to stop skiing if you repeatedly break your leg, tear ligaments, and stuff along those lines. That is a sport. Wholesome good clean fun. That is highly accepted and promoted in our society. And those who fall off cliffs, and mangle their hips and knees either suddenly or over the long term, are viewed as exceptions.
There is a risk with skiing. There is a risk with pot. There is a risk involved in pretty much anything that brings pleasure. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
The facts get mixed up far too quickly into a melange of emotions-stereotypes-morals-societal norms for most any current study to be of real use to the public at large.
And most people just knew an annoying lazy guy / girl who happened to smoke pot, and think that we are all like that.
But by all means, if you questioning your consumption, you may do well to stop for a while.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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There IS a weak but affirmative correlation between smoking marijuana and developing gynecomastia irrespective of how you want to look at matters.  This has been shown countless times in studies. 

If you take X number of non smokers and Y number of smokers there is always more of the latter group that have gynecomastia- albeit a small number- like I say a WEAK but affirmative correlation.

I don't see the point in moralising about such things, if people wish to smoke it whilst recognising that it represents a risk factor in developing this condition- fine that is upto them.

Equally I must say I do feel a little less sympathy for those who then end up with such problems, just as I have a little less sympathy with people who end up with any condition where they knew and ignored the risks...

People might want to do a search for these topics because they can read what has been written in the past on them..



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