Hello there, first of all I'd like to say this site is amazing, i've read every thread and looks like this Dr Fielding is the guy to go to, so glad that OHIP covers a good cunk of it too. I've deal with this since I was 11, started with the pad under my left breast, than the right, nipples getting weird. Had no idea what it was, my mom took me to the doctor only to have the doctor tell us I was getting breasts, so embarassing. Later in high school I would have to tape my breasts down because the teasing and staring was really starting to get to me and i didn't know what to do. I used to want to go in there myself with a knife and take the lumpy pads out, I knew it was stupid, that's the reason i never did it, but it was just the ultimate embarassment and wanted it to go away. Ever since than, it's been layered clothing and dreading summer.
I have a few questions those for those that have done it with Dr Fielding. What do I expect exactly. I book an appointment for a consultation. What happens at this consultation exactly, is it in a hospital or does he do this in an office? The day of the surgery, is it a hospital? real surgery with the hospital gown and everything like on tv? (never had surgery before).
I don't really want to tell anyone, if i get the surgery early enough I can leave the car at a subway station and kill time till i'm feeling ok to drive, is this feasible? or will i just be too out of it? How many of you guys had to stay overnight? is that normal, or are they more worried that you have someone to drive you home. If it comes down to it, I'd rather suck it up and tell someone than spend the night in the hospital.
After the surgery what do they put on you? tensor bandage from what i've been reading right, how long do i keep that on? Do i have to change it or once it's off, leave it off.
Whens the first follow up? What do they do?
How quickly can i go back to work (i know everyones a little different, i guess i'm just looking for people's experiences so i know a range of what to expect).
Thanks guys, i know i should do this, maybe if i know exactly what to expect it will make me less nervous.