Author Topic: I need to vent again  (Read 4414 times)

Offline Porcupine_tree

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I decided to explain to my girlfriend what exactly it was that I had and as I expected, she didn't understand a thing. She went and researched it and came back to me with nothing but 'there's alot worst cases than yours.' Thanks alot for that, makes me feel a hell of alot better.

I don't have breasts, I just have large puffy nipples. I don't have a picture to show you but if you scroll down to the second picture in this link then it should give you an idea although mine are larger and stick it more.

I've had it since I was 11 and I am 19 now. It's basically ruined my life. It took all the fun out of being an adolescent. I could never change in front of the guys when I had phys.ed in school, I had to pretend I was going to the bathroom and change there. I tried to change in front of them once and all I got was 'hey you have breasts.' It really made me feel like shit.

Whenever my friends has pool parties or went to the beach I had to invent some lame ass excuse like 'I can't I'm allergic to the sun.' I hid behind baggy, black clothes for as long as I can remember and I'm trying to change my wardrobe by buying large shirts instead of extra large but my nipples stick out of them so much it disgusts me. Somedays it's not that bad but others when I really think about it, it depresses me like you have no idea. My parents never gave a shit. My mom saw that it wasn't normal when I was younger but basically didn't pay any attention after that whatsoever. I've seen parents on these boards concerned about their child with gyne and it's really admireable. I wish my parents had cared more.

I'm to the point of snapping now. With a stubborn girlfriend who insists on having the right answer to everything telling me it isn't that noticeable really kills me inside. She's never seen any other shirtless guys so she thinks mine are normal but they really are not. They are about 2-3 inches in diameter and stick out 2 inches. I know I need an excision and I'm still trying to find the motivation to find a doctor but since I'm really depressed and ashamed and embarassed it's really hard getting out there and doing something about it.

I just need to vent so thanks to all who listened.

Offline Porcupine_tree

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Thanks alot for the responses. I actually feel alot better now. I figured that I might as well get rid of it now that I'm still young and have the money and that money will be fairly easy to win back. It's much better than waiting around 20 years until I DON'T have the money. I'll try to find a decent doctor who I can talk to about it and hope he understands. It is really frustrating when people merely brush it off. It doesn't matter that I don't have large breasts because these damn puffy nipples are equally as embarassing. When you've had it for years on end, there is no 'not as bad as...'

Thanks again.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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There is no 'not as bad as...'

Couldn't agree with u more dude. You either have it or you don't. There is no 'in between'. From puffies to full figured breasts, the psychological pain is all the same.

She went and researched it and came back to me with nothing but 'there's alot worst cases than yours.'

Dude... tell your GF to stop shaving her legs for 3 months and then go out in public wearing a mini skirt, go to the beach etc... Tell her that the feelings that she experiences from all the staring, laughing, finger pointing, is how you feel with your puffy areolas.

Years ago I was on public transit and there was this young woman, 20ish, who had full leg hair. It must have been something to do with her culture/religion, but damn it was not a pretty sight.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I had my surgery 2.5 weeks ago at the age of 25 , my G/f said the day before surgery
that she thought I looked fine. I guess they don't want to hurt our feelings.
Now when I show here the before and after pics she says "oooo , o yea now I see"

Yeah, prior to surgery, my wife said the same thing. Not trying to spare my feelings, but she IHO, truly thought that it was not a problem.

She also said that I was being 'impulsive' wanting surgery.... Impulsive?  Living with this shyte for 31 years and then wanting surgery... Impulsive my a$$!  ::)

Anyways... so she said that surgery wasn't necessary. When I showed her the B&A pics, she said "Wow, you're right, they did look like women's breasts".

They don't see what we see.

The do see, unless a problem with the eyes, what we see. IMO, they just don't see it as a problem. It's not a 'big deal' to them, and so be it. They have their own opinions like anyone else.

Having Gynecomastia is not about others though. Other people don't know how you feel inside. Gyne is very personal.What you choose to do at the end of the day, is totally up to you and nobody else...


Offline Bolognianips

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I had this discussion with my girlfriend, and she didn't care.  It was a huge relief, and it was actually good to know that she had never thought about it.  I explained it to her, and showed her the site, and she realized what it was, and that I had it.  So, It was great to see that she didnt care, she just said she thought I had big nipples.  I've never had a girl mention it to me once.  She was actually afraid that with me starting to get back into shape and deciding to get the operation that I was planning on leaving her.

I think that there is just no way for your girlfriend to understand how much of an issue this is for you.  Its like someone telling you a pimple is barely noticeable.  B/c to them it really isn't, but to you its all you can see.

Dont let your gyne ruin your relationship.


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