Author Topic: Adult onset only Gyne in heavier men  (Read 3801 times)

Offline Bookseller

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I am 5'10" and about 300 pounds.  I have the typical big fatty man-boobs, like some of my heavy friends do.  I am pretty sure I also have glandular tissue, that fibrous stuff beyond the perimeter of the areola.  It is bilateral, but there is more of a lump on the right side above the areola, which bothers me.  It always seems to bump into things or get irritated when I "investigate" it.

My family doctor swears that no plastic surgeon will touch my case unless I lose LOTS of weight first. Actually he just thinks I need to lose weight and the fat and lumps will go away.  He thinks it's ALL weight-related.  Only one thing... I had more breast tissue than normal when I was 21 years old and only 195 pounds.  It seems like they always target obesity as the issue, and refuse to help until you solve THAT issue FIRST.

Any comments?  Anyone else (bigger guys) had the ol' brush-off from the doctors?
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Offline TOLDFT

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I had a similar response.  I am currently 55 and never had a problem with gyne until the past year.  

The GP first reponse was 'puesdo' due to weight (6' 0" and 245 lbs).  It didn't matter that I was 40 pounds heavier at one point with no gyne.  He also thought it may be my liver because my liver enzyme was slightly above normal at my last physcial (has been for the last 10 years).

I was told to lose weight and get a blood test in 3 months.  The 3 months are about done, I've lost another 10 pounds but my chest has continued to grow.

I'm thinking of going to an endo for answers.

Offline jc71

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Hi Bookseller.  Sinse you had gyne at what i'd consider a normal weight 6'0"  195 lbs, your weight gain probably contributed to the problem but I doubt loosing the weight will imporve it enough to where you're comfortable. I see your dr's point, loose the weight and see what happens.  

I got the brush off from a doctor about 10 years ago.  She said I should see a psychologist.   For those here who remember my pic from the photo section, everyone agreed that I obviously have it, it's not just in my head.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 07:00:27 PM by jc71 »

Offline Bookseller

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Follow-up question:  regardless of my weight, does everyone out there deal with irritating ridges of "harder-than-fat" material in large boobs?  My doctor said that stuff is "connective tissue" that keeps the breasts from sagging even further.  Do I just live with those deposits of tissue until I can lose enough weight to "justify" the surgery?  Or can they take the gyne tissue out and let me lose weight as I can?  One doc said the fat in the breast area was converting androgen to estrogen and would continue to cause the hard-tissue growth until I have "much less" fat in that area.


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You need to work on the weight loss first and foremost.
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You need to work on the weight loss first and foremost.

i agree. you need to lose fat first and foremost as only after you do this will you be able to see the extent of your gyno.

also i've noticed that fat seems to agrivate gyno - maybe it's due to an increase in oestrogen adn thus an increase in the gyno itself.

unfortunatelly the only answer here is hard work and paying attention to your diet. i'll be happy to advise on your diet and exercise if it would be helpful. also there are many fat burners on the market - generally these are a waste of money as they will increase your fat loss by only about 5% at the most and cost a small fortune

ninja ;D

Offline Bookseller

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What bothers you about the gyne... is it the assymmetry?  Is it the tenderness (are the boobs tender when poked at) ??  Is it just not being able to take the shirt off?

Offline Bookseller

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Tell me about the tenderness.  I have it too, and I tend to keep poking at the fibrous stuff, especially since it's not symmetrical... then it gets sore, and then THAT worries me...

Tell me about YOUR experience.

Offline Bookseller

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That's kinda what I mean.  My right side is harder and sticks out more, so I've played with it (poked, pulled and squeezed) to such an extent that sometimes it gets really irritated and therefore sore and irritated (sometimes a bit swollen.)

Doctor told me to quit digging around in there, or of COURSE it will hurt.  To the best of my knowledge, it's practically impossible for a male to cause himself to start lactating, but I too have worried that I might have some scary discharge that would mean I have cancer.  Eek!

Helps to talk about it, though, so as not to get too freaked out.

Please respond at your leisure.

Offline tommy

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i weight 250 but slowly loosing the weight im pretty sure have my boobs will be gone if i get down to 190 (praying i will) but its true because if you are obese and have surgery the results wont look right and might come back and the suregon might not know how much to take out.



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