Author Topic: ** Two Years Post-Op Pics **  (Read 2860 times)

Offline nukem2k5

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Hey fellas,

I'm sure some of you remember me from back when I used to frequent these boards.  I wanted to post my pictures to hopefully give some of the newcomers some more confidence in getting excision + lipo surgery.

Since my original pics, I've lost about 50 lbs and have put on some more muscle mass.  This past year at school I've had a pretty regular and simple 3-day workout routine and haven't been eating trash nearly as much (can't always stop myself when I'm drunk of course).

My confidence has increased so much and I've gotten more women this past semester than the rest of my life since I got surgery, started exercising and socializing more.

Here are the links to my pics (also found in my sig):

Two Years Post-Op Pictures

Original Pre-op and Post-op Pictures
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline gynehater85

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Absolutely brilliant! Im looking to get the surgery within the next year, but I wanna start toning before, what excersizes would u recommend to start out with, so far im runnin a lot and situps, starting a pushup routin as well, any recommendatoins? Thanks.

Offline Gone

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Offline 15ineedhelp

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@ gynehater85

If you want a good workout try this one...

Barbell curls - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Seated dumbbell curls - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Dumbbell concentration curls - 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Pushdowns (exterior head) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Barbell French presses (interior head) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
One-arm dumbbell triceps extensions (exterior head) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Bench press - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Flat bench flies - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Incline bench press - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Cable crossovers - 6 sets, 10-12 reps
Dumbbell pullovers - 5 sets, 10-12 reps

Leg presses - 6 sets, 8-12 reps
Leg extensions - 6 sets, 12-15 reps
Leg curls - 6 sets, 10-12 reps

Reverse barbell curls - 4 sets, 8 reps

Nonstop instinct training for 15 minutes

Maybe at first cut out half of the excerses but try to do all of them.

@ nukem2k5
Nice results.

Offline Jackd

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Holy fook you look good (in a completely non-gay way!! :o) well done mate, how did you make the turn around in your lifestyle to acheive such good results?

Offline gyneman

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nukem2k5, you look great.  ;D Good work on losin the xtra poundage. Quick question, did you have nipple reduction too.

Offline proxie

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I remember you nukem.  I used to post around these boards with a different name.  You had surgery with Dr. David Metzner in Louisiana if I remember correctly.  If this is indeed true, people take a look at his nipples.  Do you see a scar?  I don't think I do.  That's cause Metzner goes through the armpit to excise the gland.  This guy looks totally awesome with no visible scar on his areolas.

Offline Gone

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You can get invisible scars with the standard through-the-areola-excision as well. You can't notice a scar on my right nipple unless you use a magnifying glass and I'm only 2 months post-op. Left is also fine, the common people won't notice a thing and it's getting better. But of course in this technique it's more about luck and how your scars heal individually. I'm just saying that your not doomed to have visible scars in this method for sure.

Offline oyelad

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i almost refuse to believe the post-op and 2-year post-op are pictures of the same person -- amazing results.

was your gland removed through the armpit? reason i ask is because you have no visible scarring :O

Offline nukem2k5

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments.

No, I did not have nipple reduction, and for a time I was worried that I would always have really large nipples.  I feel that working out (putting more muscle underneath the skin) and tanning (recently started hitting a tanning salon every once in a while) made my nipples appear to shrink and I guess not contrast so harshly with my skin.

As for the scar, proxie, you're right about going through my armpit, and yes, I did use Dr. David Metzner from Louisiana.  As far as I'm concerned that man has completely improved my life and my confidence.  He's a great surgeon and if any of you guys can get a consultation with him here in Louisiana or I think in Virginia, I highly advise that you do so.

Again, thanks for your compliments, fellas.


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