Author Topic: surgery as a first option? why??  (Read 3256 times)


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i've noticed over the past year that you guy's tend to opt for surgery as a first option. why????

i've had surgery twice but i've reduced my gyno without surgery too! i know guy's who have reduced the gyno they got durign puberty (the soft kind) successfully without surgery. fair enough it took months but surely months of self medicating is better than getting cut open?

hell my last gyno surgery saw me getting the flesh eating bug - i'm sure i'd have rather taken 3 months worth of nolvadex than had that!

as you can see from my new members post i'm also a member of a body building web site and gyno is a regular occurance as you can imagine with guy's who play about with their hormone levels but i'm not just talking about AAS induced gyno - i'm also talking about successfully reducing the gyno that you guy's commonly have.

i know you know about nolvadex cos i've quoted your site a few times but generally you're not using the correct drug protocol for reducing your gyno - your doses are either too low for an actual reduction or too short lived - you give up too easily!

if i'm not welcome here i'll happily bugger off but honestly guy's surgery is not your only option.

i hated having breasts! i detested it

ninja ;D


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indeed may guy's start with gyno forums and then seem to end up at body building forums for advice on gyno

makes you think eh?

ninja ;D

Offline vaio

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Coming of a cycle that could work.

But for people who have childhood gyne, or gyne that has been with them for a few years it won't work.
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Offline Paa_Paw

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Many who post here see surgery as the only solution.

I think some of them are being overly hasty, but it would be wrong for anyone to criticize based on the sketchy information usually found here.  This decision is ultimately between the young man and his Doctor.  We must respect that whether we agree or not.

Self medication, without competent Medical supervision is something that I have and will continue to speak out against.  The person who self medicates is playing games with their own reproductive physiology.  To me, that seems not quite bright.
Grandpa Dan


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fair enough but i'm certain that given the correct info you can self medicate correctly. my doctor will not prescribe anti oestrogens or oestrogen blockers however she is happy to carry out tests and advise on doses etc.

nolvadex works very well coming off a cycle and would have no problem in having the gyno under contro in a couple of weeks. you're right in that gyno due to puberty or gyno that youv'e had for many years will not react the same but it can still be reduced! it will take months rather than weeks but it can be done.

it shocks me that you guy's are very much living in the dark ages when it comes to gyno info! you all opt for surgery and i've been slatted on here at least half a dozen times over the past 30 posts?! WTF is that about?

do you not have the correct information or are you just plain unwilling to learn? i hated having breasts - i was teased and i was unhappy about taking my top off but you guy's seem quite happy with your boobs! not one person is willing to even acknowledge the possibility that you don't need to go under the knife!

if you're that unhappy about having breasts then do something about it!!!! it's honestly not difficult and ok fair enough you're self medicating but so what? this is a low risk drug, it has no negative side effects on your HPTA over a short period of time and other gyno reducing drugs such as clomid are actually prescribed to boost fertility in men!

you guy's seem to have been brain washed into believeing that every drug is bad! jesus, honestly - you'd think from the responce i've had on this site that you LIKE having breasts! you're all moaping about giving it ooo i have man boobs and nothing can be done etc etc, i need surgery - yes maybe you do need surgery and i've sincerely sorry that you have to go thru what i wen't thru but you may not have to have surgery - there is another way but you don't seem very open to learning about this AT ALL!

why am i being slatted on here and flamed for almost EVERY SINGLE THING I WRITE? i'm only trying to help!

and actually in a lot of cases i CAN help if you'd let me

ninja ;D
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 12:20:04 AM by theweeninjaguy »


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