Author Topic: 3 days after surgery! Please I need Help Not Happy = (  (Read 2795 times)

Offline dannyboy1234

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I just want to thank everyone on here. It's so great to know you are not the only one that tapes their nipples or turns the cold water on just before you get out of the shower! I'm 20 and have been plagued by this annoying condition, like the most of you, since my teen years. I finally opted and got the surgery...4200 bucks later..yeah i know it hit me hard and i'm in debt cause of it but the feeling of not having to deal with this just made it so much easier....the thing is I'm extrememly upset that the results are not what i expected....Up until the day of surdery my DR was going to do the excission....then on the day of he opted to just do LIPO...and from reading on here i know that people are never happy with the results with just i am not. There is still definate puffiness of the nipple area...the only time they look awesome is when they are contracted or i get out of cold water...then they are entirely flush with my chest and look great! I'm 5'7 156 lbs so i'm not overweight....just incase that might make a difference...but when i get out of a warm shower or they are relaxed they are puffy and rise above my dr said it was swelling and would go down...but i know my nipples and from reading on here i dont think they will...please i'm so distraught if anyone has any similar stories just being able to console in reading them would help...i'm considering revision...i'm hoping he doesnt charge much or if he'll even do it...i thought this was over! anyone deal with something like that?? or does the puffiness actually go I SHOULD HAVE INSISTED ON EXCISSION!!! i was just so nervouse the day of the surgery when he said it i couldnt really disagree...argh please any advice?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 09:04:11 PM by dannyboy1234 »

Offline dannyboy1234

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Yes i agree it is soon...but I just dont understand why they are tempermental?why are they sometimes puffy and other times not? if it is swelling then shouldnt it just stay swollen? ..although i just got lipo they do look a lot better when they are contracted....but when they arent they are still puffy and definately noticable..... My PS said that it takes time for the swelling to go down....i relly hope they turn out better than this....Again i had a minor case....due to me not being overweight which also leads me to believe that i should have gotten the excission .....hmmm o welll.... and that's a very expensive owell ....I'll keep you all updated as to the progress.....I have to go in on wednesday to get the stitches out. I think i'll talk to my PS....any suggestions on how to bring up my concerns and the idea about revision? I dont want to offend him and he decide not to do it...

Offline puff916

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if changed it up last minute on should tell him how you feel and how you think you got jacked.  It's not fair.  He doesn't understand the pain we endure.  You let him know.  He should have never changed his game plan up right before surgery especially when you are already there and ready to go.

Offline dannyboy1234

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I know it was killing me when i went in and he said he didnt think he was going to do the excision....I was just so nervous as it was i couldnt really say I want it....I tried but well the words didn't come out...I don't want to screw myself over cause i didnt inquire before hand about his revision policy....mistake on my part. The thing is he's a really nice PS and they really made me feel comfortable, so I dont want to be mean. The annoying thing is when i'm in there it's so stinking cold that they look very good....but when they are relaxed or not in a cold area they expand and are very much still puffy. I know it's been only three.....well 4 days after surgery so some swelling is probably still there but in my gut I dont think it's swelling. I'm going to take some pictures, when they are puffy and bring them in on wednesday. I'm going to let him know how i feel and ask him what his policy is on revision if after three months they are still doing this....What do you guys think?....I really wish this was over....It's funny how mentally and emotionally frustrating this is! thank goodness for this forum! At lease i have a comp vest to keep me flat until then! good lord we're pathetic aren't we?!

Offline JeepKuntry

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You need to discuss the payment amount if he switched them on you.  Lipo only is cheaper than excision and he should owe you the difference.  I will say at 3 days it's still early.  Alot of people will tell you the swelling can last a couple months and the final product can be around the 6 month mark.

Offline jsbaz

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I had a very similar Lipo Only situation.  I just had my revision last week, this time Excision and Lipo, and I am much happier with these results.  My PS did my revision for free (except the Facility charge and Anesthesia @ $1500).  Lipo only did not work for me at all.  There are tons of these similar stories on this website.  I wish the Doctors did as much research as we have about Gynecomastia.  It has been 10 days since my revision and I am still quite swollen, but no real pain, just some soreness.  I can tell that when the swelling goes down that there will be some great improvement. 

Let your PS know that he needs to fix his mistake.

Good Luck Bro


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