Author Topic: I need your prayers,support, and ideas.  (Read 26141 times)

Offline KeepFighting

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 I am doing better now. I have started to focus on key issues and am slowly learning compassion for myself (and others). I am getting more comfortable with myself as i am. I think acceptance of myself exactly as i am needs to come before i can feel worthy (or have enough energy) to put in the energy required to transform my body. I have been fighting gyne and weight issues for 7 years now (i have had it since i was 13). I always did things out of fear of ridicule and shame. I dont want to be bullied anymore (even if its just by myself). If i had to choose one i would rather loose the shame and fear than the physical gyne, but i feel God wants me to transcend both. It would be tragic to loose the physical gyne but not the "emotional gyne".  So my efforts from now on will focus in the right direction for me namely full self acceptance first. I feel like exercising more and eating better already! I will try to keep everyone posted.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Good to hear man. Glad things are looking up for you. I think its very important to try and get your mental state as healthy as possible before getting the surgery. That's what I've been working on for the last few months. I'm much more positive and productive in all areas of my life. I don't get mad or upset about the fact that I have gyne. I don't walk around with the 'why me?' attitude, and no longer make up these obscene scenarios in my head of what others may be thinking about me. I'm getting healthier and happier with every new day. My surgery is coming up on July 3rd and I feel I'm mentally ready for it. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and everything happens when its supposed to happen. If you haven't gotten your surgery yet, maybe your just not ready for it. I don't want to preach about God and all that, but God will only put things in your life when you are ready for them.

Keep up all the good work. Keep staying positive.

Offline KeepFighting

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Awesome Philly! Thanks for the words. I agree with you it will happen when i am ready. I worked out today. I ran a mile and did some weights. Self Love Rocks. Lets see what tomorrow has in store.

Offline KeepFighting

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 I got a massage! Wow it was a little scary but man it felt soo good. I am so glad i did it. I am determined to fight the battle right this time. I wont just hide in my room till this goes away, darn that. I am going to be bold. I will live my life regardless of the gyne. I am no different from the people that picked on me if i take my condition to mean that i am less of a man, but i know i will fall into that trap from time to time. The truth is that i am gifted and valued. I want to look and feel better and i am going to. I wont stop till i do. Doesnt matter if i have to fight this to the day i die because it wont put my entire life on hold anymore and i will win.


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