Author Topic: Tenderness post opt?  (Read 1902 times)

Offline willy27

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Im almost 3 weeks post opt, i can feel a tenderness under my nipple, and esp by my excision. My nipple is still poking out, which makes it just as bad as having gyne again. Anyone have this problem too? Or is thi scarring tissue underneath? I rememebr during surgery, fielding stabbed me pretty hard with the lipo stick, causing me to say oww couple of times.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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As you are only 3 weeks post op I would say it is far too to judge what is going on.  My own tenderness/numbness didn’t disappear until about 2 months post op and before that happened there were all sorts of strange sensations as the nerves healed, the swelling went up and down and fluid came and went.  I've even heard that some patients don't regain full nipple sensation for up to a year post op.

Try to have patience and let your body get on with the complicated process of healing.

Good luck.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline willy27

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my left nipple is actually extremely sensitiveright now, its weird.. it tingles sometimes as I walk down the street and my shirt rubs against it :S

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I agree with Time_to_fix_it....   You have to give it more time to heal Willy. You are just 3 weeks in. Be patient dude... ;)

I also had that 'tingling' feeling on my RHS. Weird sensation huh?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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