Author Topic: really bad case  (Read 2752 times)

Offline rline92

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Alright, this is my first post here. I'm 18 and have had gyne for a while. I was always overweight, but at point I lost a LOT of weight and it made them more noticable. I still have a lot more to lose. I don't EVER wear t-shirts in public, I always wear an extra layer or something. It's really embarrassing, but I'm afraid to mention it to my dad (although he's seen me without a shirt, so he obviously must know). I feel like this condition has had a huge impact on my social life, because I'm constantly worried about whether people will stare.

Offline CaliKid8

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First of all, great for you trying to lose weight, I applaud you.  Second, you are going to think that your chest is going to be more noticeable because your body is getting smaller and you big chest is going to stay big.  You can't let this discourage you.  Try to focus less on your chest and more on how much better the rest of your body looks.  It will be awkward and your father may not understand but I think that it would be good to let him know about how you feel.  It is nice to just tell someone.  I am 20 and just found out what gynecomastia was about 2 years ago, I had always thought I had a flabby chest.  I totally know what you mean about how it affects your social life.  I've always played sports and all my friends are athletes so I have been so self-conscious about my chest and if you could see it through my shirt.  If your friends are true they  shouldn't really care about your appearance as much as you personality.


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